Outfit details:
Navy silk blouse: unknown
Tan sweater: Old Navy
Green slacks: Old Navy
Navy pointed heels (with tread!): Kmart
Necklace: gift, made by parents
Work, and then more work
It's been pretty chilly in Chicago lately, and I've been mainly trying to keep warm the last couple of days. This is such a cozy warm sweater, but it may have been a little too hot for today.
I'm not super thrilled with my outfit today. I guess it just feels blah overall. I have some major appreciation for the various textures of this outfit, though. The silk of the blouse and the wool (read: itchy) sweater make it interesting, at least. I tried to spice it up a little, so to speak, with various accessories. I adore this necklace, which my parents made for me while in Venice last summer. And March is colorectal cancer awareness month, so I'm sporting my colon cancer star pin too. Finally, I am loving these new shoes, which, miracle of miracles, actually have tread!!
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