Friday, April 30, 2010

Fashion is ... Academic


Welcome to another installment of Fashion is... (see here, here, here, and here for the other guest posts by Sal, Kyla, Chelsea, and Audi). In this series, I've been trying to explore the multiplicity of meanings behind the idea of fashion and personal style, to try to get to the heart of the "why do we dress/care/blog?" question. I'm thrilled to have Tania of What Would a Nerd Wear posting here today on the role of fashion in academia. Tania has an incredibly sense of style, an incredible writing voice, and a completely accessible, she's-already-your-best-friend attitude and personality.


Like any literature student who once read Cleanth Brooks, I am fascinated by paradox, and the subject “fashion is academic” is as paradoxical as it comes, for me. On the one hand, fashion is academic precisely because everything is academic to the academic. Academics put their analytical skills to work for just about anything: The Bachelor is an acute display of commodity fetishism; parenting becomes an act of navigating everything you know about Freud; an argument with your roommate is narrated in the terms of a novel you’ve been reading lately; oh, and that scene in The Shining where Jack Nicholson throws a tennis ball against the wall for hours at a stretch? It’s starting to sound a lot like writing a dissertation.


In many ways, fashion is no exception. Fashion is academic, because I am an academic. Because I think and read and write like an academic, my scholarship is always implicated in my ideas about clothes. Because I am interested in how writers narrate personality, I am also interested in how clothing is a way to narrate a character. Naturally, I see dressing myself in the morning as one of the ways I narrate myself. It’s part of the story I tell about myself, but just one part, like Mrs. Dalloway might say, how she “drew the parts together, she alone knew how different, how incompatible and composed so for the world only into one centre, one diamond.” So this “one centre” that shows itself via my outward appearance is also a specious one, because it narrates a kind of cohesive self that I don’t really feel I inhabit.


And yet, fashion is also decidedly not academic. It is, according to the critical voice in my head, vain, silly, or un-serious. But its lightness is also one of the reasons why I love it. It is my hobby which is entirely separate from the English department—a rare and wonderful thing considering that all my other extracurriculars have reading lists and most of my friends are also academics. It is a relief to have a community who isn’t judging my love of a good pair of jeans or my anxiety about what to wear to teach. Teaching in a small department in a small town sometimes feels like living in the panopticon—someone is always watching. And for a while, my blog was a place of my very own; oddly, it was the most private part of my life even though it was also clearly the most public.


This post comes at a strange time for me, when the collision of fashion and academia seems particularly germane. Having recently realized that several of my colleagues found What Would a Nerd Wear and know my stylish little secret, I feel confronted more than usual with reconciling the relationship between my life as a scholar and my sometimes-frivolous-but-mostly-wonderful explorations with my wardrobe, my readers, and other style writers.

In the end, I remain stuck between these two experiences: fashion as an academic pursuit and fashion as the part of my life which is unrelated to my academic pursuits. Unable to reconcile these contradictory experiences of style, I’ll settle, happily, with paradox.


Thank you, Tania, for that beautiful post! And for any of you who aren't already mega-huge-major fans of Tania's blog, head over there now to give her some love!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blog Love!


I think its high time we gave the blog a wee facelift! We are working closely with a graphics person to come up with a cute new blog face so bare with us while we tinker around with a few bits and bobs. :)

Welcome to our newest blog readers, we hope you stay a while, peruse our aisles and get comfie. It will be lovely to have you with us along the way.

Yvonne & Ger

You See the Photo in the Album

Blouse: Mailbox Mavens, via Tabitha of Fashion Therapist * Jeans: Gap 1969 Always Skinny, hemmed by me, remixed * Platform loafers: Bass, remixed * Gold Circles Necklace: available at Objects Found

After my big ol' in-depth touchy-feely existential post the other day, all I really want to talk about today is my clothes. This blouse is a part of the Mailbox Mavens' exchange, and I totally love it! It was originally Tabitha's, and then she sent it off to Terra, and both gorgeous women styled it beautifully. I love how Tabitha paired it with a bright gold belt, and I think Terra's red skirt makes this awesome blouse looks absolutely stunning. I kind of feel like my low-key version of the blouse doesn't quite do it justice, but I still really like the outcome. I really wanted to embrace the boxy shape of the blouse, so I decided to pair it with a simple pair of darkwash skinnies and my trusty platform Bass loafers. The pattern on this blouse is just fabulous, and I'm very sad to see it go. I may just have to wear it one more time before I let it out of my clutches!

Tabitha and Terra rock the crap outta this blouse!

Brief non-blouse-related side note: see those plants behind me? I currently have three (count 'em, three) healthy plants on my little windowsill. A gorgeous basil plant (yummy pesto on the way, nom nom nom!), a bright happy little Gerber daisy, and my monster amaryllis which just will. not. stop. growing. I don't typically have much of a green thumb, so I'm thrilled that these babies are doing so well! Joe and I took a trip to the Old Town Nursery on my birthday weekend, and I'm really hoping to expand my little greenhouse a little bit as the summer goes on!

What about all of you? Are you fans of gardening? Joe and I hope to have an outdoor garden someday. Are you windowsill gardeners or backyard gardeners? Any green thumbs out there? What about black thumbs? :)


Title song: Cyprus Hill, "Dr. Greenthumb"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bonzie in You Magazine

We were thrilled to be recently featured in the "Irish Daily Mail" You Magazine. Stunning ethereal shoot set on Killiney beach with the gorgeous Anna Saccone and captured by talented photographer Adrian Heffernan. Shoot was styled by the brilliant Georgina Heffernan of RTE fashion. We are blown away by the gorgeous images of our signature tulle skirt on Anna braving the cold on an Irish day on the coast! A true professional!

Well the Years They Flew

Dress: Cooperative, Urban Outfitters * Tights: We Love Colors (maroon) * T-strap flats: Urban Outfitters * Belt: thrifted * Wood bangle: H&M

Please be warned: this is a wordy post. Bear with me. Also, please note that I'm incredibly happy that the day that I took outfit photos at a playground was also the day that I decided to tackle big, "grown-up" topics on the blog. Silly coincidence, or self-aware irony?

I do want to start by saying how much I have fallen in love with this outfit. It felt awesome, looked fab in person, and photographed wonderfully. Most boyfriends aren't even that awesome!


Without going into too much detail (I know you all love how delightfully vague I can be about work stuff), one of the events I worked at a couple of weekends ago demonstrated something really interesting to me, something that I'd like to share. A few of the invited guests were colleagues and friends of mine from a few years ago. There were five of us, total, on Saturday, who had all spent quite a bit of time together three years ago, and haven't all been in the same room since then. Part of what we ended up talking about was how our lives are going, and how we thought they would go the last time we were all in a room together. It was quite amazing to see how "grown-up" we'd all become, how much we each had certain pieces of our lives so put together. I remember spending time with all of them, in that same room, three years ago, lamenting about how we felt that our lives were spinning out of control, how we couldn't believe that we'd get a handle on things. School, work, relationships, families...we all had these major issues that completely upturned our worlds, and we were all floundering through this extraordinarily difficult year. And then, three years later, we're sitting in this room talking about our lives, and our goals, and how all that crap and all that stress has taught us each so much about how we interact with the world.


We used to talk about that rough period as a "gap" period. The time between phases of life where everything seems up in the air, and you feel like you have no control over the direction that your life is going. My "gap" period lasted a couple of years, years when I was trying to deal with major relationship issues, and finish graduate school at a time when I felt more and more burnt out everyday, and find a job during this delightful recession we've been treated to. And honestly, the "gap" sucked. There have been many times in the past couple of years when I felt so sincerely disheartened about my life, and my goals, and myself. But the other weekend, as we were all talking about it, one of my friends suggested that we rethink the "gap". That maybe it was more productive for us to think about it as a bridge. All that crap that we go through during these in-between times in our lives may not be as negative as we think they are. It's always hard to go through those kinds of things while they're happening, and there's no denying that. It sucks to apply for job after job in a down economy, getting turned down time and again despite your stellar recommendations and graduate degree. And it's painful to reevaluate relationships and try to move on. And it hurts to not get to see your family every day, and to have to make new friends in a new place, without the built-in social structures that school provides. And it's paralyzingly frightening to try to figure out what to do with the rest of your life. But, but, BUT, in retrospect, at the end, each of those things majorly contribute to the place that you end up.


It's not a gap, not a time where things just fall into oblivion. Instead, it's a time where each difficult decision, each embarrassing job interview, each failed first date, all pave the way to the place that you are now, and build a bridge to the other side of all that. And when my friend said that we should think about the "gap" as a "bridge", it pulled us all back into the now, and made us realize how far we'd come, and how much we have learned in the past few years. It was a wonderfully zen moment for all of us, as a group, and I hope to hold onto that sense of optimism and growth the next time I start feeling the gap.


Title song: Madonna, "This used to be my Playground"

I'm the Only Bee in Your Bonnet


Dress: Industry * Scarf: Target, remixed * Socks: Target * Boots: Ciao Bella, remixed * Headband: H&M * Jacket: Michael Kors, remixed

Hey guys, check out my birthday suit!! (heehee!) Seriously, though, I felt amazing in this outfit. I wore this all day on my birthday for Joe and my day on the town. We ended up having a pretty laid back day, which was actually perfect. We stayed home in the morning and had chocolate walnut cake for breakfast while I opened my presents (hello, bike helmet!). We spent most of the day wandering around town enjoying some of the random Chicago neighborhoods. We did a good bit of ogling big houses with gorgeous, fancy yards, and then ended up having lunch and a few brewskies at Revolution brewery (another locals tip for all you Chicago folks: go. to. Revolution). Good god it was so delicious. Oh, and I wanted to thank you all for the awesome birthday wishes. You played along with my self-indulgent birthday self-centeredness, and I totally appreciate it! I promise that this will be the last of the birthday posts.


Joe wore his awesome plaid flannel shirt. I thrifted it for him awhile ago, and he always makes a point to wear it when we'll be spending a lot of time together, since he knows I like it. I just think it goes so well with his style (and, of course, his beard. It gives him a rugged, manly lumberjack quality). A few more shirts like that, and we might have a pretty rad dude wardrobe goin' on! Oh, and speaking of Joe, I'm so happy that he decided to take the weekend off to hang out with me for my b-day festivities. It was really nice to spend the whole weekend together. It's odd, because we live together so we spend a lot of time together, but because of our opposite schedules we don't get regular "couples" time. So the weekend together was really nice, but it really made us both extra excited to finally get to have weekends together over the summer. Joe will be quitting his job in early June before starting grad school, so we'll have all our weekends together over the summer, which will be just perfect. It's nice to be reminded of how much you like the person you're with, and this weekend did just that.


I guess I could talk about my outfit, too. :) I found this dress earlier this month at Filene's basement. I instantly fell in love with the shirt-dress style, but what I really love about it is its tailored silhouette. I don't always feel confident in shirt-dresses, as I feel like they accentuate my already rectangular body type, but this one is cinched in all the right places. Plus, the super rad crane motif just makes me love it more (yes, I'm totally jumping on the S/S 2010 bird motif bandwagon). I decided to wear my new H&M feather headband to play up the avian sentiment, and added my favorite brown accessories to keep it earthy. Of course, then I had to add my rad moto jacket to toughen up all that soft earthiness. Good gravy I loved this outfit. It's a style I don't always wear, but I'm really, really happy with how it turned out. I felt sleek, trendy, vintage, elegant, and totally sexy, which was perfect for my birthday outing with Joe.


Title song: They Might Be Giants, "Birdhouse in Your Soul"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Everyone Grows Old on the Gold Coast

Black v-neck: laundry room freebie, remixed * Skirt: Forever 21, remixed * Tights: Xmas gift from my mom * Two-tone oxfords: Urban Outfitters * Jacket: Michael Kors

First off, I want to thank you all so much for your kind birthday wishes! I had an awesome birthday weekend. Joe took the whole weekend off to hang out with me for my birthday, and that was pretty much awesome. We haven't had a full weekend together for awhile (I think it's been since Christmas break), and it was so wonderful to get to sleep in, go to brunch, do chores and make dinner together, and wander around the city during the day. These pictures are from Friday evening, when we went out to dinner at Oysy, one of my fave Chicago sushi joints. It's now a three-year tradition to go to Oysy for my birthday, so we traipsed through the yucky weather to eat delicious sushi. We took these pictures just outside the Art Institute (which, for any of you Chicago-ites, is staying open late on Fridays this spring!). We went to see the new Matisse exhibit before going to dinner.

Our AMAZING rainbow roll at Oysy in Chicago. Cute, right? Nom nom nom.

My mom gave me these great tights for Christmas, and I've worn them a few times before, but never documented them on the blog. I love how they pull out the blue details in the skirt. This was a perfect dinner date outfit. Simple, comfortable, but still flashy enough to say "hey, it's my birthday!" I'll definitely go into a bit more detail in later posts about my weekend escapades, but suffice it to say that was awesome, and involved bead shops, microbrews, fancy pizza, homemade chocolate cake, and rad presents. What about all of you? How was your weekend? Do anything fun? Eat anything delicious?


Title song: Monsters of Folk, "Say Please"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What the Critics Say.....

A Huge Thank You to Waterford Critic, Liam Murphy for his colourful and positive piece about "bonzie" in the local paper, The Munster Express".

See what Liam has to say here.

Friday, April 23, 2010

You Saw the People Around You Getting Old

Gray dress: Pink Rose, remixed * Plaid shirtdress: thrifted, remixed * Tights: L'eggs * Boots: Rockport, remixed * Belt: Target, remixed

Guys, I am one of "those people". One of those people that start their birthday countdown 364 days early. One of those friends that tosses in comments like "oh, I can't that day, I have a meeting and it's one week before my birthday" or "today's been a pretty great day, but I know that it will be even better in three weeks because it's my birthday" or "I thought it was my boss's birthday today, but I guess it's not. But you know whose birthday is coming up? Mine." I am completely, 100% that irritating friend that just will not let you forget that my big day is coming up. I'm genuinely surprised that I didn't mention it earlier on the blog, because my birthday is tomorrow. This is big, people. You only have one day to work up the necessary excitement that my birthday demands. And believe me, it is very exciting, and very demanding. Joe and I are planning an epic tour of Chicago's finest microbreweries (let's just call it "research" for our homebrewing project, mmkay?), and I couldn't be more excited for the day. There is also a stack of presents on the dining room table that has been mocking me for a week. I'm so tearing into them as soon as we get up (and yes, true to irritating birthday form, I will almost certainly force Joe out of bed at the ass-crack of dawn so that I can have cake for breakfast and tear into my goodies. I'm that awesome). I don't know what it is; I guess my birthday just brings out the best in me...


Title song: The Cure, "Happy Birthday/Three"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Could You Do?

Dress: Forever 21 via Mailbox Mavens, courtesy of Megan of The Discerning Fashionista * Sweater vest: Old Navy, remixed * Tights: We Love Colors (Navy) * Sandals: Clarks, remixed * Necklace: made by Joe, remixed

Happy Earth Day, everyone! I've always been really fond of Earth Day, perhaps because it's always very close (or on the same day as) my birthday. It's like sharing my special day with the whole world. This year they don't actually fall on the same day, but I'm still a big fan of Earth Day. It's like global validation for tree-huggers. Keep on huggin', you crazy hippies! Anyway, it felt appropriate to post this outfit today, since it's a bit environmentally aware itself. The Mailbox Mavens project, while being a delightful way to expand our wardrobes without spending a penny, is also like a major recycling project. Green fashion for the win! I actually wore this outfit on another springtime holiday, Easter, and am just now getting around to actually posting it (fail). The dress, with all its ruffles and bright springy colors, just felt perfect for a warm Easter walk to the zoo. And I was so thrilled to dust off my bright orange Clarks for the first time this season. These suckers got a ton of wear last summer, and I know they will again this year. They're just so fun and spunky and comfortable that I can't help but reach for them 9 times out of 10.


Anyway, so back to Earth Day. What are you guys doing today to squeeze a bit more life outta this ol' world of ours? Joe and I are big on recycling, and turning off lights, and all that jazz, but that always feels like a very superficial way to make a difference. This article at the Huffington Post suggests some slightly more influential ways to save the earth, including going vegetarian and not having babies. So far so good on the baby front, but I'm not making any promises for the long run with that one. Mother Earth, you understand, right? But I'm getting more and more intrigued by the possibilities of vegetarianism, or at least greener eating. The global meat industry takes up a ridiculous amount of energy, both in the form of carbon emissions and other environmental drains like water consumption. Buying locally (which I'm thrilled to be able to do much more once farmers' market season starts in Chicago) and being more aware of production standards in the foods I eat are two of my make-the-world-a-better-place goals. I'm also all about not having a car, though Joe and I may have to crack and get one soon. Hopefully we'll be able to save enough to get a hybrid, or at least something a little more environmentally friendly than his old beater, a Ford Taurus that is more of a boat than the HMS Beagle.

Anyway, I'm super interested to hear your thoughts about Earth Day? Is it a one-day thing for you? Do you believe in small, incremental changes, or are you of the opinion that drastic lifestyle shifts are the only way to implement change?


Title song: Jimmy Cliff, "Save Our Planet Earth"

We Were Made For Each Other


Keely was picked by random as the winner of the book give-away!

Keely said on 3:13 PM
1. Learn to "sideways stop" on hockey skates.
2. Own horses.
3. See the pyramids.

Keely, message me at to claim your prize.  I've done #3 on your list, but I'm hapless on skates, and I have no longing to clean up piles of horse sh*t.

I learned that an awful lot of people want to either skydive and/or learn Japanese(?).  Thanks for everyone's comments. They were interesting to read through.  And don't cry if you never win anything, because neither do I.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tulle Tiered Tea Length Skirt

Photography: Shane O'Neill

Just added this new baby to the range, a stunning tea length tiered tulle skirt , perfect for a romantic event or your big day. Also available in floor length version for a breathtaking bridal skirt to compliment a bonzie corset. :) (range of sizes and shades available)
Available to order HERE
shop bonzie:
bonzie website:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You've Got a Lot of Strength Left

Crochet-top sleeveless blouse: Old Navy, remixed * Cardigan: Moth from Anthropologie, thrifted * Mustard cords: Gap, remixed * Espadrille flats: Old Navy, remixed

Today is Equal Pay Day. Today is the day when women in the United States "catch up" to the rate of pay that men made in the previous year. It signifies the point into the year that a woman would have to work to earn the same amount that the average man worked during 2009. This is depressing. It's the end of flipping April, for crying out loud! We're three and a half months behind. Which is pretty unbelievable, if you ask me, and even more infuriating when you realize how much people in general seem to think that the "problem" of gender inequality is "solved". (Gah, there is so much wrong with the labels in that sentence!)


I feel like people seem to think that feminism is a bad word. Feminism seems to mean crazy hardcore women who hate men and constantly bitch while sporting bad mullets (don't ask where the mullets bit came from, it just popped out). But that's not what feminism is, and that's not who feminists are, and that's not what feminism stands for. If we keep forgetting, or ignoring, the true inequalities that society presents us, like the fact that it takes us until April to make as much as our dude friends made in December, that date may never get earlier.


In related but slightly depressing news, I'm currently watching that episode of Friends where they're all playing football on Thanksgiving. The teams get separated into boys versus girls, and in the process, the girls are debating how they'll ever beat the boys. Monica's impassioned speech includes comments like "do this for all the terrible first dates you've ever had" and other such nonsense. They finally are able to beat the boys by resorting to "feminine" "tricks" like flashing, clinging, and oh, more flashing. See ladies? That's how we can catch up to men in the workplace. We just need to start flashing them more! Then they'll be too distracted to remember to pay us less.


Title song: Maxwell, "This Woman's Work"

Bonzie Recommends!

For those of you who just can't get enough of all things fashion and style related, we have the very thing for you!!! Irish fashionistas can now help themselves to classes in style and beauty with Style Fish, Ireland’s First Dedicated Fashion School teaching Style & Beauty Programmes for women nationwide!

Here's what the lovely folks over at Style Fish had to say...

"We currently teach in Kilkenny, Dublin, Cork, Kildare, Tipperary & Portlaoise. We offer a Cost effective, Fun & fully personalised Programme for women who walk away feeling completely transformed in all aspects of their Style & Beauty. Not only that but all our ladies become part of the Style Fish Club receiving fantastic offers from Fashion & beauty companies right throughout the year in our Style Fish Newsletter & Online. We guarantee women will make less mistakes when shopping, be much more confident when it comes to their style and we will become their new fashion best friend!"

Sounds fabulous ladies!
Check out for more information on joining their classes.
Keep abreast of the fashion goss over at their blog
Fancy joining in? Check out their upcoming classes HERE!
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