Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm the Only Bee in Your Bonnet


Dress: Industry * Scarf: Target, remixed * Socks: Target * Boots: Ciao Bella, remixed * Headband: H&M * Jacket: Michael Kors, remixed

Hey guys, check out my birthday suit!! (heehee!) Seriously, though, I felt amazing in this outfit. I wore this all day on my birthday for Joe and my day on the town. We ended up having a pretty laid back day, which was actually perfect. We stayed home in the morning and had chocolate walnut cake for breakfast while I opened my presents (hello, bike helmet!). We spent most of the day wandering around town enjoying some of the random Chicago neighborhoods. We did a good bit of ogling big houses with gorgeous, fancy yards, and then ended up having lunch and a few brewskies at Revolution brewery (another locals tip for all you Chicago folks: go. to. Revolution). Good god it was so delicious. Oh, and I wanted to thank you all for the awesome birthday wishes. You played along with my self-indulgent birthday self-centeredness, and I totally appreciate it! I promise that this will be the last of the birthday posts.


Joe wore his awesome plaid flannel shirt. I thrifted it for him awhile ago, and he always makes a point to wear it when we'll be spending a lot of time together, since he knows I like it. I just think it goes so well with his style (and, of course, his beard. It gives him a rugged, manly lumberjack quality). A few more shirts like that, and we might have a pretty rad dude wardrobe goin' on! Oh, and speaking of Joe, I'm so happy that he decided to take the weekend off to hang out with me for my b-day festivities. It was really nice to spend the whole weekend together. It's odd, because we live together so we spend a lot of time together, but because of our opposite schedules we don't get regular "couples" time. So the weekend together was really nice, but it really made us both extra excited to finally get to have weekends together over the summer. Joe will be quitting his job in early June before starting grad school, so we'll have all our weekends together over the summer, which will be just perfect. It's nice to be reminded of how much you like the person you're with, and this weekend did just that.


I guess I could talk about my outfit, too. :) I found this dress earlier this month at Filene's basement. I instantly fell in love with the shirt-dress style, but what I really love about it is its tailored silhouette. I don't always feel confident in shirt-dresses, as I feel like they accentuate my already rectangular body type, but this one is cinched in all the right places. Plus, the super rad crane motif just makes me love it more (yes, I'm totally jumping on the S/S 2010 bird motif bandwagon). I decided to wear my new H&M feather headband to play up the avian sentiment, and added my favorite brown accessories to keep it earthy. Of course, then I had to add my rad moto jacket to toughen up all that soft earthiness. Good gravy I loved this outfit. It's a style I don't always wear, but I'm really, really happy with how it turned out. I felt sleek, trendy, vintage, elegant, and totally sexy, which was perfect for my birthday outing with Joe.


Title song: They Might Be Giants, "Birdhouse in Your Soul"

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