Friday, April 23, 2010

You Saw the People Around You Getting Old

Gray dress: Pink Rose, remixed * Plaid shirtdress: thrifted, remixed * Tights: L'eggs * Boots: Rockport, remixed * Belt: Target, remixed

Guys, I am one of "those people". One of those people that start their birthday countdown 364 days early. One of those friends that tosses in comments like "oh, I can't that day, I have a meeting and it's one week before my birthday" or "today's been a pretty great day, but I know that it will be even better in three weeks because it's my birthday" or "I thought it was my boss's birthday today, but I guess it's not. But you know whose birthday is coming up? Mine." I am completely, 100% that irritating friend that just will not let you forget that my big day is coming up. I'm genuinely surprised that I didn't mention it earlier on the blog, because my birthday is tomorrow. This is big, people. You only have one day to work up the necessary excitement that my birthday demands. And believe me, it is very exciting, and very demanding. Joe and I are planning an epic tour of Chicago's finest microbreweries (let's just call it "research" for our homebrewing project, mmkay?), and I couldn't be more excited for the day. There is also a stack of presents on the dining room table that has been mocking me for a week. I'm so tearing into them as soon as we get up (and yes, true to irritating birthday form, I will almost certainly force Joe out of bed at the ass-crack of dawn so that I can have cake for breakfast and tear into my goodies. I'm that awesome). I don't know what it is; I guess my birthday just brings out the best in me...


Title song: The Cure, "Happy Birthday/Three"

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