Friday, February 29, 2008

The beginnings of a movement...

I love the color orange. Where some see brash and loud, I see bright and ALIVE. So it's with particular interest that I study the strangely orange snack foods of the world. These tasty foods appear almost fluorescent in their orangeness, and I think we are indeed lucky to live in the same world where snacks are so bold!

These snacks deserve their own day of celebration as far as I'm concerned! Perhaps a day of eating and drinking only orange foods and orange beverages! Join with me now, and let us plan just such a day! Hoo-rah for orangeness-ness!

Edit- I wasn't thinking today would be the day to celebrate orange food, although rereading my post that's how it might seem. I was thinking more in the near future, after a little planning. I've now decided that I'm going to choose one day soon to eat nothing but orange food and drink orange beverages.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More Tragedy at the Circus

There are many people in the world who have jobs that are dangerous. If they have a bad day, it's really a bad day. I'm glad I don't have one of those jobs.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Facebook Graffiti Wall

I've been distracted lately. Here I am, supposed to be working on new images for a book (and I have been working very hard), but I've been doodling rough animations with the graffiti application on Facebook. I find it just soo much fun, and I really have to stop!

I'll put a notice on my sidebar soon, but all Bent Objects visitors are welcome to be my friends there. Here's my page- Terry Border.

And here's the page where you can view my crude animations and such-- graffiti. Two of 'em are marked "press replay" and are somewhat animated. The same for the lizard one (slightly) and the eyeball on the hand one. Nothing great, just a way to entertain myself when I'm not photographing circus peanuts.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ethereal Cuff

This Cuff was a gift made for the fabulous Di of DesignersBlockUk, its a truly inspirational blog by an inspirational woman! go check it out for sure! it would be one of the ones that I visit often to see whats new and trust me I am never disappointed guys!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Circus Peanut Circus

More images of unfortunate circus peanuts to come...

For those of you around the globe who may be unfamiliar with Circus Peanuts, go here. I happen to find nothing appealing about them at all except their cheery color. Others in my house disagree with me, and gobble them up before I have a chance to use them for my blog.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Our Spoolish Love

You didn't think I'd post so soon, did you?

Edit- I opened a Facebook account awhile back, but haven't done much with it. I plan on adding some behind the scenes pics there sometime though. Anyway, it's right here.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hello, Bent Objects Visitors...

Mr. Flower says, "Hello! It's so good to see you!"

Awww, thanks Mr. Flower!

Mr. Flower and his significant other star in an image that I made for my book. Sorry that I can't show it here, but I have to save something for you to look forward to, don't I?

Consider this a break from the Celery Saga "Experiment." People are starting to get antsy, and anxious, or just bored (maybe they don't know that there are about a half a bazillion other blogs that they can go to). That leaves me with a conundrum- When I'm too busy to make regular posts, do I stretch something out, or just leave you with nothing at all for a week? Hmmm.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tatter Couture

Every once in a while I get so busy in the studio on private commissions that I don't get a lot of time to devote to my firstborn (my etsy online boutique! lol) This really begins to bother me after a short while as Ireally feel that the shop gets stagnant and all the wonderful gals who stop by from time to time must be feeling somewhat dissappointed when things don't get shaken up a little. Hence this cream tatter skirt was born.

I decided to step out of the studio deadlines for 1 day and devote my time to creating something new for my etsy shop. This had major theraputic value as it gave me a change from the run of dance costumes that I am currently buried under!! lol It also allowed me to add a change into the etsy shop which was beginning to show mould from sitting unattended for a long while!

Perhaps I could request an extra day in the week to devote purely to new and exciting projects to keep the my etsy presence fresh! ;)


have a great week you guys.


The Trail (nearing the end)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sickeningly Sweet

We now interrupt our normal programming for an "Aw, isn't that sweet" moment.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hey! I got mentioned in Publishers' Weekly!

Can I get a Woot-Woot!?

This weeks' issue of Publishers' Weekly (the publishing periodical) gave me a mention in the "Deals" section-

The Wire

Lisa Clancy at Running Press bought world rights to Terry Border's Bent Objects: The Secret Life of Everyday Things via Sorche Fairbank. Based on Border's popular blog, the work is a collection of his still lifes using everyday objects, including scenarios such as a bottle of Dramamine falling ill, a pear looking in a mirror and despairing of its bottom-heavy physique, and Caribbean seasoning living up to its “jerk” name. Pub date is fall 2009.

So, yes, that's the date - fall of 2009. I know it's a long ways off, but that'll give us time to really do this thing right. That's also why you should let me know that you want to be on the list of peeps who want to be notified when the book is available. I know how it is in the blog world- the blog that you check out constantly for months gets forgotten when you get busy and go on to other things. So email me to say "Put me on the list!"

My contact link is on the right of this page in bold blue! Ya can't miss it!

(And yes, it's gonna take several more days for the celery saga to unfold!)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Regal Victorian Tatter Cuff

This is the most recent cuff in my etsy boutique! I love the golden autumnal tones in this piece (even if I have missed the season by a mile!). I love the romantic nature of this one!

Lately I have been entertaining the idea of doing a big trunk show at the end of the year ( well lets face it a collection takes a lot of time to put together). Trunk shows are still very much an American phenomenon, but nonetheless for independent designers (such as myself) Ithink they are perfect!! Im still in the development stages, but certainly there is a little pep in my step about doing this event, so watch this space!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Keeping it in the family!!!

So this weekend I had a chance to head for my home town and give my Auntie a hand getting her very own etsy store up and running, called TheTailorsChest! It was so great to pass on the Etsy buzz to another person. In fact truth be told I think I may have created a monster!! ;) (The etsy obsession takes hold pretty fast guys!! lol)

Im LOVIN the hot red Valentines vibe from her listed items already! Rawk on girl, and check out her pieces here!

Friday, February 1, 2008


This is the kind of package of bubble gum balls that you don't see much anymore. I knew I had to do something with it. A store we wandered into had a display of retro candies. Nice and colorful anyway.
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