Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I was dug on Digg, and read on Reddit, and more news.

Thanks to those who made it possible for one of my images to be #1 on Digg and Reddit yesterday!    "Ice Cube Dreams" was a hot topic, and it was interesting, and somewhat confusing for me to go there and peruse the comment sections.

The winning nomination for one of my next images for Bent Objects is a shot of what goes on "after hours" here at Bent Objects Headquarters when I'm not looking (Nominated by Iberg, who took time away from watching his White Sox and drinking beer to comment).  I can assure everyone that the real answer is absolutely nothing, although I've been patiently waiting for elves to come and try their hands at an image or two.  I'll start working on it, and hope to have the image up soon for your approval.

In other news, I'm working hard on my book that will be in stores in October of '09.  It's gonna have some never before seen funny stuff, sick stuff, and a lot of funny sick stuff.  If anyone wants to be put be on my book notification list when it's out, let me know at

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pretty peonies all in a row!

Productivity is starting to pick up in the studio. The recent spate of busyness has forced me to get more productive and learn to make multiples of items as opposed to lingering on one piece at a time ( as an artist often does! lol) I find it tough to think in 2's and 3's let alone 8's and 9's but I must pick up the pace to keep up with the custom orders on right now.

Red Bull is beginning to look very attractive at this point ! lol

hope y'all are having an awesome weekend. We spent it putting in our new kitchen in cherry red high gloss! Its very cool.

catch you guys soon.



Saturday, July 26, 2008

"Canned" for Illustration Friday

I hadn't done anything for Illustration Friday in a year, probably more. And it's probably been just as long that I've not incorporated any objects with the wire. For those of you who don't know what Illustration Friday is - it's a site where there is a new word every week for you to try and illustrate. It's a good challenge to make you think.

So here's my try at "Canned". Two pieces of 18 gauge wire, one long one, and one short one that makes the left hand side of the can as you see it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lace Delicacy!

This is a piece that I was commissioned to make for a lovely bride to be on etsy. I have never come accross these fingerless lace gloves before and I was really interested in giving them a shot! I really enjoyed working on these, what can I say the lady loves lace! they are the perfect balance of feminine delicacy with a touch of punk bride if you ask me ! Really awesome idea and glad I gave them a whirl. ;)



One hundred Fifth Bent Objects Object Nomination Process

Hello friends!

Here's your chance to mention an object that you want me to use in an image to be posted here on Bent Objects. The last winner was Ice Cube, which gave me a lot of trouble, but I persevered! I've just now recovered from that one, so I think I'm ready for another.

The usual rules-

The object has to be something inexpensive (cheap), or something I probably already have around the house (No, I don't have an I-phone, so a big "no" to that one).

Mention one object that you'd be interested me incorporating into an image. Warning- I only count the first one that you mention.

Finally- Vote for an object that someone else has already mentioned, so that we get some sort of voting process going on.

Attention! Polls are now closed. No more comments allowed.

I also have a question for you experienced Youtube, Vimeo, etc. people out there. -
What's a good little camera that would be good for that kind of stuff. I would like to start making some videos about Bent Object images as they are being made.
Thanks for any help you can give me!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Wearable Art!

Here is the first of my wearable art bags to hit the shop now!

Have reached a whole new level of busy-ness in the studio so no time to hang and chat today guys. ................................................

Hope your all enjoying the weather, we had a nice day today, dry and sunny, quite the treat!



Saturday, July 19, 2008

I Left My Art, In Cincinnati...

We went to Cincinnati recently, and I forgot some little wire doodles all around town. It's kind of like throwing messages in a bottle into the ocean, because I always wonder if I'll hear from anyone who may find one of them. I usually write " 'Bent Objects' - Google it" somewhere on them. In all the times I've done it though, I've never heard from anyone. They might all get lost, or thrown away. That's OK though, because the fun is in the doing!

Made this little fish-like character....

And forgot him outside the Newport, Kentucky Aquarium. That's Cincinnati in the background.

Made this crying eyeball thing...

And forgot him in the cheese section of Jungle Jims Grocery Store (a pretty cool place).

Made this guys little body out of wire and the complimentary bottle of moisturizer from our hotel. I forgot him inside that building in the background- The City Museum (Cincinnati).

I forgot this little character right here on this shelf, which was next to our table in a restaurant. He was an empty box of Boston Baked beans that we bought at the grocery store where we left the crying eye.

Cincinnati is a good town, and we had a good time.

If you ever go there and you like art, make sure you visit their contemporary art museum. Very nice.

The Bag LAdy!

I have been working on a new bag for my pal SimplySus on etsy. Sus has another one of my bags and this time we went for froo froo with bells and whistles on, ie all the trimmings. I love how this turned out and I am really growing fond of grey at the moment. *note to self, check out what an attraction to grey might signafy in colour therapy!*

Anybody know?



Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rhett and Link visit my studio!

My pals Rhett and Link dropped in a while back, and here's what happened. They're traveling across America to make entertaining videos, under the hire of Alka-Seltzer. Mostly, the theme is strange foods from different parts of this great land of ours, but they also take the time to interview different characters like lounge singers, people that love buffets, and me. My favorite so far is when they enter a chili cook-off.

Oh, yeah- and the cornflake image that you see in the video is called "Milk is a Cereal Killer".

If you'd like to send this video in an email (which I would encourage!) here's the link to copy and paste-

Tea Couture!

For many of you who know me your already aware that I have been spending the last year turning a pretty normal small irish bungalow into a modern contemporary open plan home. Its been a rollercoaster of events, many bumps along the way (lots of whining) and needless to say the living conditions have been very creative throughout this whole process!!! (insert nervous laugh here)

My mom and dad often visit bringing goodies to help lighten the mood and the other day my mom hit the nail on the head when she brought these beautiful mugs along to have a decent cuppa tea from. Being an Irish lass our tea is very important and over the last month tea in my house has tasted of a variety of things from paint stipper to glue to varnish, you name it my fella has probably mixed it up in one of our cups!!! lol

So the new poppy mugs are making the most gorgeous cup of tea here and everyone is commenting on what a nice cup of tea I make (I don't though, its the cups you see, but shhhhhhh don't tell anyone!) ;)



Monday, July 14, 2008

The Rococco Tulle Wrap

The latest piece to hit the shop.

Sumptuous layers of tea stain tulle sculpt around the the shoulders and sit elegantly up against the neck framing the face! A must for any bride to be looking for that couture cover up option! ;)



Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Vintage Femme.

Just hit the shop today, a vintage inspired time worn french themed cuff! Be warned though, snap it up quick before pixie whips it up instead!



Here's a fun job I got to do.

Another one for the good people at OXO.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Raw Silk Puffball!

I have been working on this ensemble for a client of mine in the studio, its made of hand dyed navy raw silk and is gathered into soft folds at the hem with a puffball finish.

I added an array of deconstructed shabby chicesque blooms on the asymmetrical shoulder which add a couture appeal.

*notice el matching baggo on the shelf to the left!* I love this innocent look.



A Forest of Wonder!

This is the latest custom order that I have completed for a bride on etsy in the shop. I just love how my client wanted to pull the colours from her bridesmaids into the overall piece, introducing chocolate brown and forest green. To me this shows a little daring and a willingness to be an individual! I love that in people. I like to celebrate uniqueness and eccentricity.



Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

And then, the search party disappeared too.

I was on Rhett and Links show a few weeks ago, and I was given the job of making an image starring Oreos. The maker of oreos are holding a contest for the best oreo cookie related video on Youtube, so the idea of having a video about the making of this image was brought up. But the prize isn't much to speak of (What cheapskates! Truly unbelievable.), so I didn't bother.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Loyalty Scheme

For a long time now I have tried to look after my clients in the shop. Offering larger orders nicities such as discounts, little gifts etc to show my appreciation for their custom. Its an artists dream to be supported in such way and I always feel really blessed to have return customers. These are the people that continue to come back and order pieces from me, those that really subscribe to my aesthetic. I try to look after these people.

So I have launched a loyalty club in my shop to do just that. With many special offers available its nice to see those that support my work get something back in return. ;)

Pictured above is a cuff on its way to one such client, having spent over 200dollars with me in one order! I hope it makes her feel appreciated.



Tatter Antiquated Underbust Corset.

I have been busy lately in the studio with a steady stream of custom orders. The most recent one being this antiquated tattered underbust corset for an awesome client on etsy. My client is planning on rocking this with a pair of ruffled cotton bloomers! What a perfect client, I just love those that dare to be individual in their approach to personal adornment!


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