Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I was dug on Digg, and read on Reddit, and more news.

Thanks to those who made it possible for one of my images to be #1 on Digg and Reddit yesterday!    "Ice Cube Dreams" was a hot topic, and it was interesting, and somewhat confusing for me to go there and peruse the comment sections.

The winning nomination for one of my next images for Bent Objects is a shot of what goes on "after hours" here at Bent Objects Headquarters when I'm not looking (Nominated by Iberg, who took time away from watching his White Sox and drinking beer to comment).  I can assure everyone that the real answer is absolutely nothing, although I've been patiently waiting for elves to come and try their hands at an image or two.  I'll start working on it, and hope to have the image up soon for your approval.

In other news, I'm working hard on my book that will be in stores in October of '09.  It's gonna have some never before seen funny stuff, sick stuff, and a lot of funny sick stuff.  If anyone wants to be put be on my book notification list when it's out, let me know at

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