Saturday, August 2, 2008

In the Press!!

So...... I'm racing around my new cherry red kitchen (pictures to follow soon as my kitchen provider decides to actually deliver what we ordered! yes folks fab new kitchen with a gaping big hole where a double drawer unit should be! hence why im not taking pics until its totally ready)

oh, I digress........ Sorry! lol

anyways, Im racing around my kitchen just about to head out to work (my office job) and I hear the lovely sound of a parcel being sandwhiched in my letter box! This time it wasn't an etsy or ebay splurge but a publication from the printers of Enterprise II , the entrepreneurs magazine in Ireland that is distributed to all the schools here! AND I'M IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The article reads really great, thanks to a wonderful journalist pal Maria, and the thing that most gets me as a work colleague pointed out, "who knows bonzie, ya might even inspire a young person to take that particular path in life after reading it!" The more I think about this the cooler it becomes.

I hope you enjoy the pics, maybe some parts a legible too. ;)



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