Thursday, April 1, 2010

To Have Been Where I Have Been

Polka-dot blouse: from Stylish White Female via Mailbox Mavens * Skirt: Target, remixed * Tights: Target, remixed * Boots: Steven by Steve Madden, remixed * Belt: thrifted, remixed

Before I get all into this post, can we all take a minute to appreciate how awesome Terra looks in her polka-dot blouse:


...pretty fab, right? I'm so glad I got to give it a styling whirl (and I have another outfit in store for it later on). Anyway, I actually did have something I wanted to write today. I'm reminded sometimes of how lucky I am to do such frivolous things like blog (now, I know blogging isn't entirely frivolous. I put a lot of stock into this hobby, and I love doing it. I'm not using the word "frivolous" to marginalize the importance or impact of anyone's blog. But, in the grand scheme of things, blogging is a luxury), or swap clothes with women from all over the country, or to be able to have new clothes and shoes each season (though I'm trying to cut down...). I have lots of things, and lots of extra things, things that are interesting and fun but don't necessarily impact my ability to survive and stay healthy and comfortable. Even just having internet access is a major luxury, if you really look at it. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot lately about all that I have and all that I can do and all the things that I don't have to worry about in my life. And I've concluded that I'm a very lucky gal.


I am lucky for lots of reasons, not just the "extras" - phone, internet, fancy clothes, an ample DVD collection - or the "classics" - my job, my family, my friends, Joe - but also what I like to think of as the "mega" things in life - I have a roof over my head, I can afford to pay rent each month, I can buy the things I need (and a lot that I want) for myself, I have clean drinking water, my apartment is fully equipped with a working plumbing system, I am healthy, I am safe. These are all of the "I-usually-take-this-for-granted-but-holy-BALLS-there-are-a-lot-of-people-who-struggle-to-simply-get-through-the-day-and-I-should-be-grateful-that-I-am-able-to-get-through-life-as-easily-as-I-can" things. I mean, seriously, I'm sitting here in my living room, watching a beautiful sunset, drinking a glass of red wine while my boyfriend cooks me Indian curry and I have the audacity to be remotely stressed?!?? Sure, work is hard, and sometimes tiring and stressful, and those are very real things, too, but maybe I should strive to remember the whole "clean drinking water" thing a little more often. And the "Indian curry" thing. And the "loving partner, supportive family, and beautiful sunset" things. Because I am strong, and I am independent, and I work hard and strive to do bigger, better, more exciting things with my life, but at the end of the day I am happy to have a comfortable mattress (or a mattress at all), and a hot shower, and a warm body to come home to. These things are what truly fill me up, make me better, teach me lessons. I am lucky, and I am infinitely grateful to the people and circumstances that have helped shape my life into this moment right now, watching the sunset and feeling content.


So what's the verdict, folks? I mean, I guess Easter's as good a time as any to do some reflecting (though this is probably the extent of my celebratin', as I was really more about colored eggs than anything else for this particular Spring holiday). What are you grateful for? How are you lucky? What do you sometimes take for granted that makes your life infinitely easier to get through? And when things truly are hard, how do you take the reins and lead your life back into that comfortable place?


Title song: Jason Mraz, "Lucky"

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