Sunday, April 25, 2010

Everyone Grows Old on the Gold Coast

Black v-neck: laundry room freebie, remixed * Skirt: Forever 21, remixed * Tights: Xmas gift from my mom * Two-tone oxfords: Urban Outfitters * Jacket: Michael Kors

First off, I want to thank you all so much for your kind birthday wishes! I had an awesome birthday weekend. Joe took the whole weekend off to hang out with me for my birthday, and that was pretty much awesome. We haven't had a full weekend together for awhile (I think it's been since Christmas break), and it was so wonderful to get to sleep in, go to brunch, do chores and make dinner together, and wander around the city during the day. These pictures are from Friday evening, when we went out to dinner at Oysy, one of my fave Chicago sushi joints. It's now a three-year tradition to go to Oysy for my birthday, so we traipsed through the yucky weather to eat delicious sushi. We took these pictures just outside the Art Institute (which, for any of you Chicago-ites, is staying open late on Fridays this spring!). We went to see the new Matisse exhibit before going to dinner.

Our AMAZING rainbow roll at Oysy in Chicago. Cute, right? Nom nom nom.

My mom gave me these great tights for Christmas, and I've worn them a few times before, but never documented them on the blog. I love how they pull out the blue details in the skirt. This was a perfect dinner date outfit. Simple, comfortable, but still flashy enough to say "hey, it's my birthday!" I'll definitely go into a bit more detail in later posts about my weekend escapades, but suffice it to say that was awesome, and involved bead shops, microbrews, fancy pizza, homemade chocolate cake, and rad presents. What about all of you? How was your weekend? Do anything fun? Eat anything delicious?


Title song: Monsters of Folk, "Say Please"

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