Thursday, April 29, 2010

You See the Photo in the Album

Blouse: Mailbox Mavens, via Tabitha of Fashion Therapist * Jeans: Gap 1969 Always Skinny, hemmed by me, remixed * Platform loafers: Bass, remixed * Gold Circles Necklace: available at Objects Found

After my big ol' in-depth touchy-feely existential post the other day, all I really want to talk about today is my clothes. This blouse is a part of the Mailbox Mavens' exchange, and I totally love it! It was originally Tabitha's, and then she sent it off to Terra, and both gorgeous women styled it beautifully. I love how Tabitha paired it with a bright gold belt, and I think Terra's red skirt makes this awesome blouse looks absolutely stunning. I kind of feel like my low-key version of the blouse doesn't quite do it justice, but I still really like the outcome. I really wanted to embrace the boxy shape of the blouse, so I decided to pair it with a simple pair of darkwash skinnies and my trusty platform Bass loafers. The pattern on this blouse is just fabulous, and I'm very sad to see it go. I may just have to wear it one more time before I let it out of my clutches!

Tabitha and Terra rock the crap outta this blouse!

Brief non-blouse-related side note: see those plants behind me? I currently have three (count 'em, three) healthy plants on my little windowsill. A gorgeous basil plant (yummy pesto on the way, nom nom nom!), a bright happy little Gerber daisy, and my monster amaryllis which just will. not. stop. growing. I don't typically have much of a green thumb, so I'm thrilled that these babies are doing so well! Joe and I took a trip to the Old Town Nursery on my birthday weekend, and I'm really hoping to expand my little greenhouse a little bit as the summer goes on!

What about all of you? Are you fans of gardening? Joe and I hope to have an outdoor garden someday. Are you windowsill gardeners or backyard gardeners? Any green thumbs out there? What about black thumbs? :)


Title song: Cyprus Hill, "Dr. Greenthumb"

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