Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Could You Do?

Dress: Forever 21 via Mailbox Mavens, courtesy of Megan of The Discerning Fashionista * Sweater vest: Old Navy, remixed * Tights: We Love Colors (Navy) * Sandals: Clarks, remixed * Necklace: made by Joe, remixed

Happy Earth Day, everyone! I've always been really fond of Earth Day, perhaps because it's always very close (or on the same day as) my birthday. It's like sharing my special day with the whole world. This year they don't actually fall on the same day, but I'm still a big fan of Earth Day. It's like global validation for tree-huggers. Keep on huggin', you crazy hippies! Anyway, it felt appropriate to post this outfit today, since it's a bit environmentally aware itself. The Mailbox Mavens project, while being a delightful way to expand our wardrobes without spending a penny, is also like a major recycling project. Green fashion for the win! I actually wore this outfit on another springtime holiday, Easter, and am just now getting around to actually posting it (fail). The dress, with all its ruffles and bright springy colors, just felt perfect for a warm Easter walk to the zoo. And I was so thrilled to dust off my bright orange Clarks for the first time this season. These suckers got a ton of wear last summer, and I know they will again this year. They're just so fun and spunky and comfortable that I can't help but reach for them 9 times out of 10.


Anyway, so back to Earth Day. What are you guys doing today to squeeze a bit more life outta this ol' world of ours? Joe and I are big on recycling, and turning off lights, and all that jazz, but that always feels like a very superficial way to make a difference. This article at the Huffington Post suggests some slightly more influential ways to save the earth, including going vegetarian and not having babies. So far so good on the baby front, but I'm not making any promises for the long run with that one. Mother Earth, you understand, right? But I'm getting more and more intrigued by the possibilities of vegetarianism, or at least greener eating. The global meat industry takes up a ridiculous amount of energy, both in the form of carbon emissions and other environmental drains like water consumption. Buying locally (which I'm thrilled to be able to do much more once farmers' market season starts in Chicago) and being more aware of production standards in the foods I eat are two of my make-the-world-a-better-place goals. I'm also all about not having a car, though Joe and I may have to crack and get one soon. Hopefully we'll be able to save enough to get a hybrid, or at least something a little more environmentally friendly than his old beater, a Ford Taurus that is more of a boat than the HMS Beagle.

Anyway, I'm super interested to hear your thoughts about Earth Day? Is it a one-day thing for you? Do you believe in small, incremental changes, or are you of the opinion that drastic lifestyle shifts are the only way to implement change?


Title song: Jimmy Cliff, "Save Our Planet Earth"

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