Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We'd Buy Your Hipness Anywhere

Striped shirt: Forever 21, remixed * Pants: Old Navy * Oxfords: Kmart * Seed bracelet: gift * Leather beaded cuffs: gift from Joe's mom, remixed * Purse: vintage Kenneth Cole, remixed * Earrings: Etsy, remixed

Guys, I found the best little spot to take photos today. It's right in the middle of a pretty busy part of my neighborhood, but it's perfectly secluded with all these bushes, trees, and flowers. There are dozens upon dozens of daffodils in bloom right now, which is pretty cool. I'm always totally inspired by the outdoor photos that Rebecca takes at The Clothes Horse. She has such an incredible eye for depth and color and aesthetic in her photos, and I guess I was trying to capture a bit of that magic today.


Today's outfit felt totally and utterly me. I was comfortable, and felt stylish but not too trendy. I always feel this sense of bohemian cool when I wear these bracelets. It was a perfect outfit for this gorgeous day in Chicago. It got close to 80 today, and there were these beautiful breezes and warm gusts of air. Of course, I had to be at work for most of the day, and it's been very busy, but I kept my window open all day so I could feel the warm day even if I couldn't be out in it.


I also got to see Emily again today, even if it was only for a few minutes (thanks again for protecting my leftovers so well, lady!). I simply can't express enough how awesome it was to meet everyone this weekend, and how real it made this whole experience. All these virtual faces, glossy photographs (okay, not glossy, since they're on my computer, but you get the idea), and typed words are great (really great, actually. I adore the blogging world), but it's a whole other thing to get to meet these women in person. I've been spending a lot of my daydreaming time trying to figure out how in the world I can make a trip to NYC, Pennsylvania, the Bay Area, Florida, the Twin Cities, and a whole mess of cities in the Midwest, on my meager salary and minimal vacation time. It's probably not going to happen, but a girl can dream, right? I just know how fantastic it would be to meet all of you!


Title song: Tilt, "Clothes Horse"

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