Sunday, April 11, 2010

Laundry Day: Chicago Blogger Meetup

Emily of Sartoriography, me, and Tabitha of Fashion Therapist at Blue Frog in Chicago last night

The Chicago blogger meetup last night was so much fun! It's really amazing to get to meet bloggers in person. It makes the whole experience so much more real. It's really amazing, because I feel like I really knew all of these women already, through reading their blogs, but it becomes so much more real and meaningful to meet them in person; hear how they talk, see how tall they really are, find out what they're doing with their lives and what they hope to do in the future. I had such a blast talking to and bonding with these girls, and I feel like I left the evening with a whole bunch of new friends. I can't wait to see them again! Thanks, ladies, for an incredible evening.

Emily of Sartoriography and Tieka of Selective Potential at Quartino's

Elena of Caffeinerd and Gina of clothes, inter alia at Quartino's

Jess of Makeunder My Life and Sabrina of Defying My Closet at Quartino's

Tabitha of Fashion Therapist and me at Quartino's

The first photo is mine. All other photos are courtesy of the gorgeous Andrea of Blonde Bedhead (since she was behind the camera, I don't have any pictures of her!).

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