Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy S.O.S.A.D. everyone!

Yes, it's Strangely Orange Snack Appreciation Day!

All those months agoI decided to invent my own holiday, and now it's finally here. It's been weirdly strange and fun, I encourage everyone to start their own special day. I'm all for HOLIDAY ANARCHY! I mean- who invented Sweetest Day? We already have Valentines for pity sake!

Anyway, I started my day out like this
Sweet Potato Pancakes (I've yet to get the middle of them done as much as I'd like).

If anyone else would like to share your holiday activities of whatever orange sort, I've decided to direct you to here, the S.O.S.A.D. event page of Facebook. Upload those photos for all the other attendees to see! I'll be uploading there throughout the day.

Now I'm off to have some orange tea. Cheerio!

Our houses' honorary SOSAD mascot-

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