Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Press Release!!!

Its very exciting news here guys! The first of the 3 magazine articles has hit the shelves her in Ireland. PC Live Magazine, Irelands Premiere computer lifestyle magazine has done a fantastic article on Steampunk and I was featured as Irelands only steampunk fashion designer with an interview by your truely about my etsy online boutique and my bonzie label with its steampunk essence!!!

The article is an absolutely fabulous informative read written by a really gorgeous writer called Maria Golpe, who was an absolute lady to deal with and a gem of a business woman.

Of course etsy got a great plug too which is a great step towards reaching a new market in Ireland where more and more buyers and sellers are creating accounts by the day!
I am really thrilled about this piece and would like to extend my thanks to all the guys over at PC Live and especially Maria , for being an all round gem! xxxx
ps. don't forget to enter the free cuff giveaway competition below guys by posting a comment to enter.

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