Thursday, August 18, 2011

{meet-ups} One to Stay and One to Go

Blouse: UO * Shorts: J. Crew, thrifted * Belt: thrifted * Cuff: thrifted * Bag: Target

Now first off, I'd like to point out that I have in fact worn more shirts than this one, despite what my recent posts may indicate. I just love how this shirt toes the line between casual t-shirt and lacy blouse. It's kind of become my go-to piece this summer. So when I knew I'd be meeting up with the beautiful witty Betsy for brunch a few weekends ago, this combo seemed to just fall into my lap. It was hot, humid, and muggy as hell, so I opted for breathable fabrics, perforated shoes, and casual weekend shorts (don't chino shorts just scream "brunch!" to you?).


One thing that is really tough about moving to a new place is that you kind of have to start over with your social group. Making friends as a grown-up kind of sucks, in my opinion. There are no more playgrounds in which we can simply saunter up to someone and ask if they'll be our best friend. There are no classrooms, sports teams, or after-school clubs in which you end up spending hours upon hours just being around other people. It's not like college, when there are dorms, and parties, and the constant flowing in and out of social circles. As an adult, all of that boils down to bars, clubs, or that most dreaded word: networking. And since I'm being honest here, I'll tell ya: I suck at all three. "Night life" has never been my thing. It's loud, overwhelming, and I end up awkwardly talking about real A-plus topics like the weather, summer construction, or what people are paying for their internet service. In short, it doesn't go super well. (Also, now would be a good time to validate this stream of consciousness, and to let me know that I'm not alone in the wacky world of adult friend-making.)


But brunch? Brunch I can do. And brunch, with someone that I've "met" through their delightful blog? That I can definitely do. So when Betsy and I sat down to our tasty bloody marys and unbelievably good creamed eggs, it was a lovely change of pace. (And I'm happy to report that at no point did I mention internet service rates, though I'm pretty sure that both the weather and summer construction did enter into our conversation.) Betsy is stylish, hilarious, smart, and super motivated, and it was easy and refreshing to launch into conversations about blogs, fashion, travel, moving, relationships, and, of course, our brunch. I earnestly look forward to many more moments of meeting and chatting over a strong drink and fabulous food.


Maybe that's the key. Maybe food is the hidden ingredient in my need to meet people. I'm much more comfortable talking to someone over a meal, which might be why bars are tough for me. There are only so many beer peanuts a gal can eat. So maybe I need to start just hanging out at brunch places. Sit at the bar. Strike up a conversation with the stranger next to me, who is also quietly enjoying their creamed eggs and morning mimosa. And who knows? Maybe we'll hit it off. Maybe they'll even give me a tip on how I can pay less for my internet service...


Title song: Lou Reed, "Egg Cream"

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