Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fall Staples!

So with the onset of Fall (well if I'm honest, Fall never quite left Ireland last year, we have had about 5 sunny days this summer!) I digress, sorry, I was musing bout the onset of fall and the new range of products ahoy!

There has been a lot of movement in bonzie land of late which I will be sharing with you guys very soon! its all very exciting. ;0

There will be an influx of new products coming for Autumn and the Christmas season! The shop has been a lot of neck wear (well we love neck wear round here) but I have been hankering for some more new jackets, dresses, corsets etc and they are coming to an etsy shop near you real soon!

for now here are the latest additions the fall line, Crushed Black Velvet Couture scarves, decadent and classy yet they have a slight Gothic edge to them which I love too! Would look super over a plain coat or polo neck this Autumn/Winter. Limited stock available now at the boutique :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just a spider doodle, and what I've been doing.

I wanted to tell anyone who's interested what I've been up to, and as I really don't enjoy just posting words, I grabbed this little red bulb and tried to turn it into a spider (eight legs added to most any object ends up looking like a spider).

The deadline for me to turn in all my images to my publisher is fast approaching, so I've been trying hard (probably too hard) to get as many created as possible. Problem is, you can't rush creativity and have great things happen. My plan is to just make as many as I can, and then hopefully I'll have some that are very good, and I think that's what's happening so far. Last week, I think I made my best one in quite some time. After something like that happens, it makes me want to try and equal it with a few more, so I get caffeinated like a madman and want to put it in high gear. But like I said before, that usually doesn't work very well. Thank God I love what I do, because if I didn't, I'd have a headache from thinking about this all the time!

I've probably been posting about half as much as I used to, and I guess it might stay like that for a while. I'm kind of hording some shots that I would usually post, just so my publisher can pick and choose what they want exclusively for my book (about half of the books images will be totally new). I'll do what I can to keep the images posted here as frequently as possible.



Monday, August 25, 2008

Stocking up!

So lately I have been busy stocking up with lots of new styles and repeat stock for those that were sold out, if you havn't been into the shop in a wee while you might find a fresh face there if you do visit soon. :)



Thursday, August 21, 2008

Im still here!!!!!!!!!!

Hi guys,

I'm still here................

As you guys all know I have been making trackways through the list of custom orders in the shop of late and wanted to share this beauty with you before it leaves the store on its merry way to an awesome client across the pond.

I was given the colours black,ivory and pewter to create a matching set that would compliment a very elegant black dress for a VIP wedding guest. I have to say had I not been asked to do this colour combo, I might never have come across such a cool combination. I really love the richness of how these little guys came out and I am also very excited that they are going to be worn too as a pair, I think they will look really funky with a refined black number!



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Paper Training Our Little Dog, Frank

I was photographing this guy for a possible image for the book, when he ran over to the papers we have on the kitchen floor. I think he's finally trained.

Click on the image below to read all about the quirky artist who has his wires crossed.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rebecca and Her Beau

Made this untraditional cake topper ( the only kind I know how to make ) for my sisters wedding this weekend. They're both musicians of the bluegrass variety.

(the base is made from poly-clay)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Behind the Scenes (Labor Trouble)

The winner of the nomination process was "Behind the Scenes", and I was going to show some of the happier goings on here at Bent Objects Corporation, but there have been some problems lately.

Ever since word has gotten out about my book deal for next year, there has been grumbling about "the absence of profit sharing", and "difficult working conditions", which were "deserving of hazard pay."

I had a shot scheduled for today starring a peanut butter cracker, but he got into some real trouble on his way past the picket line.

Perhaps after we come to an agreement of sorts, I'll be able to post something with a happier tone. And don't feel too bad for the peanut butter cracker, because I would have eaten him anyway.

Shown here are Lawrence Lemon, Circus Peanut, Rosemary, Mustard, and one of the peanut gang.

Yeah, I know I'm a sort of a whacko, but that's why you come here, isn't it?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Custom Orders Frenzy!

So..............the ol blog is seeing a lack of action of late - (insert excuse here!).....


no really, its the Custom Orders in the shop. As I approach the end of my first year on etsy I have seen a lot of developments and patterns emerging in the structure of the shop. One such scary development is the custom order frenzy that has appeared literally overnight!

Too many Custom orders = Crazy lady designer formally known as Bonzie! lol

The month of July I put a close on custom orders to catch up on a personal project, when I opened up August again I had a custom list so long it brought me out in a rash! So whilst still trying to make my way through it , the orders are still coming in..........and in.......and

So heres the solution. As much as I really love that the shop is progressing and I feel really blessed that so many people enjoy the label. I have had to assess the structure of custom orders in order to progress without getting over busy.

After getting through the current list I will have a new system of just updating the shop regularly with the most popular products. I will have very limited custom order abilities whilst I focus on just keeping the shop stocked up. I will miss the surprise element of creating one of a kind pieces for individuals (such as the piece pictured above) but I am inviting some organisation into my life and would really relish a taste of sanity again. :)

I hope you guys can continue to enjoy the shop, new systems and all



Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bobo, the Missing Clown

He's been found. Clues seem to point towards Sergei, the Performing Bear.

The photographic records of all the Circus Peanut Circus Tragedies can be found in the label section.

Monday, August 4, 2008

French Vanilla Bridal Wrap

I love the depth of tone in this wrap, the cream is very french vanille, don't ya think , non?



New shop items today!

Hi guys,

I spent the bank holiday today getting some new pieces into the shop and getting through a wee bit of the waiting list for bridal wraps. I hope you like the new pieces available to buy here. ;)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

cleaning up my act!

So , since we moved into the new house over a year ago, the back of my studio was used for many odds and ends of a non sewing variety! toasters, pots, pans, dvds, ya know normal fashion type stuff!! lol

this weekend I bit the bullet and decided to sort it all out, got me some mighty fine shelves and organised all my fabric. (don't ask me how long those neat piles will last though, im estimating midweek!) lol

Saturday, August 2, 2008

In the Press!!

So...... I'm racing around my new cherry red kitchen (pictures to follow soon as my kitchen provider decides to actually deliver what we ordered! yes folks fab new kitchen with a gaping big hole where a double drawer unit should be! hence why im not taking pics until its totally ready)

oh, I digress........ Sorry! lol

anyways, Im racing around my kitchen just about to head out to work (my office job) and I hear the lovely sound of a parcel being sandwhiched in my letter box! This time it wasn't an etsy or ebay splurge but a publication from the printers of Enterprise II , the entrepreneurs magazine in Ireland that is distributed to all the schools here! AND I'M IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The article reads really great, thanks to a wonderful journalist pal Maria, and the thing that most gets me as a work colleague pointed out, "who knows bonzie, ya might even inspire a young person to take that particular path in life after reading it!" The more I think about this the cooler it becomes.

I hope you enjoy the pics, maybe some parts a legible too. ;)


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