Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just Like the World

Walk On
Striped shirt: harvested from Emily's closet * Pants: thrifted * Cardigan: UO * Pumps: UO * Belt: thrifted * Necklace: gift from college roomie

Ugh. I am sick today, y'all. I went to bed last night with a somewhat scratchy throat, and woke up this morning with a full-on winter cold. Stuffy nose, puffy eyes, nasty cough: the works. I'm frustrated about it, especially since I've been literally going to bed at 8:45 this week, drinking Emergen-C everyday, and drinking loads of water. What's a girl gotta do to stay healthy?

Walk On
Walk On

So it's a short one today. I'll leave you with the awesomeness that are these high-waisted pants. But first, a question: are you a stay-home-when-you're-sick kind of person, or do you power through and go to work anyway? I'm one of the people who goes in, at first, and then feels like death and goes home halfway through the day. I think this is probably the least ideal way to do it, since I'm still contaminating everyone at work, and I'm not really getting the rest I need. Anyway, if any of you have any surefire tricks to get rid of a nasty cold, and fast, toss 'em my way. My tissue box will appreciate it (and Joe probably won't mind, either).

Walk On

Title song: KT Tunstall, "Under the Weather"

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