Monday, January 24, 2011

There's Nobody Here

Lady in Red
Sweater: Target * Jeans: Gap * Boots: Target * Scarf: handmade * Headband: Anthropologie * Ring: Christmas present

So sometimes, just sometimes, I get way behind in posting pictures. I didn't take these today. I didn't take them this weekend. I didn't even take them last week. These are from a few weeks ago, when Joe and I were spending the weekend at his place, and it was a perfect, snowy, winter wonderland. The snow was so much deeper than I had thought it was, and I got tons of snow in my shoes and everywhere. It took everything in my power to not just dive into the drifts and get totally coated. I resisted only because it was also effing cold.

Lady in Red
Lady in Red

It's Monday, so I'll try to spare you from a wordy, photo-heavy post, full of THOUGHTS. Because honestly, I'm not sure I have it in me this morning, either. We should, however, take a moment to celebrate this sweater, which I bought for $3.74 at Target. In the little girls' section. It's so badass. Badass enough that I wanted to have my "movie star makeup" on when I wore it. (Just so we're clear, "movie star makeup" equals lipstick. That's it. Winged eyeliner too, if I'm feeling really sassy.)

Lady in Red
Lady in Red
Lady in Red

How was your weekend? Mine was a weird roller coaster of productivity, laziness, outings and staying in. I got a few things done that really needed to get done (put all the summer dresses still hanging in my closet into storage for the winter, for example), got some delightfully indulgent TV and movie-watching in (Rent, the Tudors, and my mandatory bi-annual viewing of all of Eddie Izzard's stand-up), had the best breakfast in the history of ever (steel cut oats with cream and currants...mmmm...), had a fun Whole Food/Unique thrift outing with the roomies (got loads of bulk goodness at WF, and fabulous thrifted jars to put it all in at Unique!), busted out a few minor coding skills to add those flashy sidebar links over there (see? --->), met a girl who went to school in my hometown and knew loads of the same peeps that I do (my best friend since forever, my dad, you know, no biggie), and had a lovely dinner and post-dinner dance party with the roomies and extended roomies last night. With all that fun, though, I'm dragging just a tad this morning. It might be a two-cup-of-coffee kind of day.

Lady in Red

Title song: Chris DeBurgh, "Lady in Red"

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