Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Blurry Even Without Light

Sail Away
Dress: Old Navy * Sweater: thrifted * Tights: Hue * Boots: thrifted

It's the last day of January, the last day before this winter's 30 for 30 challenge, and the last day of the week before a massive blizzard hits Chicago. I have to say, I'm excited about all of it. This was my fourth January in Chicago, and I think each one has been a bit easier than the last. I've learned how to deal with the cold, and the gloomy gray winter doldrums, and can enjoy the snow and the season. February looks exciting already, with 30 brand new outfits sketched out in my sketchbook (I spent much of the weekend drawing and coloring outfit ideas, which was so fun and relaxing).

Sail Away
Sail Away

And I literally could not be more excited about this upcoming snowstorm. Winter is by no means my favorite season, and I'm always happy when warmer temps roll around. But I grew up in a cold, snowy climate, and I'm used to a few months of the year being covered in frost and snow. What I have trouble with are the winters that consist of neverending stretches of gray, cold, windy days, without a hint of a winter storm. I want my winters to feel like winter. So I'm looking forward to the coming days, when Chicago will become covered in many inches of fluffy white, and any excuse to stay indoors is one well-taken.

Sail Away
Sail Away

The only problem with it is that in climates that are used to snow and cold and wind, snow days are very rarely called. It seems likely that, with an anticipated 18-24 inches in 24 hours, we'll get a snow day, but it's never certain. I'll just have to be prepared to trudge my mile to work in my hearty snowboots. And make sure to bring cocoa with me to the office on Wednesday.

Sail Away
Sail Away
Sail Away

So on the last day of January, I'm happy preparing for the storm and embracing the last few non-curated items that I'll be wearing for the coming month. I'm sure it will fly by, as January (and the three Januaries before this one) has. It will be boisterous, extroverted spring soon enough, so for now I'm content to appreciate winter's introversion.

How do you prepare for a blizzard? Do your offices, schools, places of business call snow days? Do you love them or hate them?

Sail Away

Title song: Nada Surf, "Blizzard of '77"

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