Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Sum of All the Parts

Blouse: Target * Cardigan: UO * Pants: Old Navy * Socks: Target * Lace-up boots: Solestruck * Belt: thrifted * Headband: Goode

Today is the first day of the rest of ... well, February, and the 30 for 30 challenge. As Chicago and the greater Midwest area manically prepares for the snowpocalypse/snornado/thundersnow extravaganza that will start this afternoon, I'm manically preparing for 30 days of remixing the same 30 items. Okay, that's not true about the manic preparation (well, for Chicago it is. I'm pretty sure people are stocking up on fruit and bread and milk so that they don't get scurvy in the one day that the city might shut down). My preparation for the 30 for 30 wasn't manic at all. It was reasonable, and organized. I let my type A personality take over, and I calmly and carefully planned each of my 30 outfits. It wasn't until I finished my sketches that I had realized that I'd only used 28 pieces. I can't decide if I should make it a February thing and do 28 for 28, or have two freebie pieces, to be picked at will (and probably manically) later in the challenge.


I'm really happy with the pieces I picked, actually. I tried to go with things I hadn't worn much as well as much-adored wardrobe workhorses. And I tried my damnedest to pick cold-weather pieces, especially favorite winter sweaters. Who knows what the weather will look like in March, so this might be my last chance to bundle up with my coziest knits. So here are my picks: 2 dresses, 4 pairs of pants (one casual, three for work), 3 cardigans, 3 sweaters, 5 shirts, 5 skirts, 4 pairs of boots, one pair of heels, and one pair of flats. Oh, and a note on outerwear and ... well, innerwear, for lack of a better term: coats, snowboots, and layering pieces don't count for me. Seeing as it's February, and cold as can be, I have days when I wear upwards of 10 pieces on a single day, just to stay warm. Trying to do that with remix pieces would be downright ridiculous. So long underwear, layering shirts and tanks, and leggings (worn as a warm layer) won't count in my thirty.


A lot of you had expressed interest in the outfit sketches that I mentioned yesterday, so I thought I'd share. I mean, in all honesty, I did think about pulling out all thirty pieces and photographing them to show which things I'd selected. But let's be real, that would have meant pulling every piece out of my impossible-to-manage closet, photographing them, and putting them back. This was not going to happen. So sketches are the next best thing. It's a great visual for me, and I love looking over them trying to figure out what to wear. I probably won't follow them religiously, but they'll be great jumping-off points for days when I need a little push. Very few of them incorporate accessories, so I'll be able to flex my creative muscles a bit that way.

Alright, I better go stock up on batteries and bottled water. Groundhog Day Blizzard, here I come!


Title song: 311, "Mix it up" (Ah, remember 311? They were so badass in high school!)

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