Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm Sure She Walked By You

Shirt: thrifted * Cardigan: H&M * Cargo pants: Old Navy * Boots: Target * Scarf: thrifted * Necklace: Etsy * Socks: Target

It's snowing. AGAIN. We're not expecting much, but I gotta say, there's something a bit less romantic about snow falling on top of two feet of accumulation. Eh. It is winter, after all, I guess I better deal. I do love the quiet softness of a cold snowy morning. Even in Chicago, the world slows down and becomes calmer, subdued, muffled under the snow. I'm just finishing my coffee now, but might indulge in some hot chocolate later in the day, especially if the snow continues.


My outfit yesterday was totally designed around warmth and casual comfort. This cardigan is incredibly warm and cozy, and I can tell already that these pants are going to get a lot of love this month. I won't wear them to work, but they're already proving to be great weekend pants. I left them unzipped yesterday to show the cozy socks I wore underneath. Though I spent most of the day indoors, I loved the layers and colors that this outfit had.


My thoughts this weekend are quiet and calm, like the snowy morning I woke up to. I sometimes have a tendency towards anxiety, about the smallest, and least important matters. In my efforts to simplify my life (by not buying things, focusing on important activities and habits, and trying to pursue those things that are most special to me), I'm also trying to simplify and focus my thoughts and emotions. It's not always easy, and I know that simply thinking it does not make it happen, but I'm determined to pursue it. So this morning, I'm focusing on my coffee, my breakfast of homemade challah and a tangerine, and watching the snow fall outdoors.


Title song: Joan Baez, "In the Quiet Morning"

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