Monday, February 21, 2011

Save That for Later

Shirt: Target * Skirt: Goodwill * Cardigan: H&M * Belt: Joe's * Tights: We Love Colors (navy) * Boots: thrifted * Earrings: Tree & Kimball

It's Monday. It's Monday and I'm not altogether okay with that. It's Monday, and I had lasagna over the weekend, so we may as well just come out with it and start calling me Garfield. I ended up having the kind of weekend where you wake up on Monday morning and wonder how in the world it isn't still Saturday. And I'm still quite exhausted, which is a shame, and means that when I burned my finger on my straightener this morning, it resulted in an entirely unnecessary amount of tears. Okay, seriously, the pity party is over. Onward and upward, my friends!

Tree and Kimball

Joe got me these altogether magical earrings for Christmas, from Tree and Kimball. Lisa of T&K is delightful, and I am positively obsessed with her creations, so I was ecstatic to see a little box of hers under the tree. I've worn them a few times, but keep failing to properly document their awesomeness. Aren't they fantastic? And they're lace, so they're super light, which is perfect for my sensitive ears.


I wore this outfit last Thursday, when Emily and I were the happy hosts to Lisa, of Archives, and Tabitha, of Fashion Therapist, for a dinner at our home. As much as we all love all of the more structured blogger events that we've been to, it was refreshing and wonderful to have a more laid-back excuse to hang out. I cooked while wearing a vintage fur crown and Lisa's fabulous stole, we gabbed about blogs, Chicago, and all things awesome, and it was a positively lovely way to spend a Thursday night.


We made homemade manicotti for dinner, which was, of course, cheesy and delicious (seriously, you can't go wrong with inordinate amounts of mozzarella). Tabitha brought the vino, and Lisa came with cupcakes in hand (you can witness their progressive carnage above). It was delicious, and I think it's safe to say we were all sufficiently stuffed by the end of the evening. It was a delight to hang out with these ladies, and I was happily unsurprised by how easy it was to chat and be together. There was plenty of silliness, plenty of laughs, and plenty of cupcake-frosting-noses, which, in my mind, are crucial to a good dinner party. I can't wait for the next excuse to chill with these rad ladies.


I was also insanely happy with my outfit. I had picked a few items for my 30 pieces that I'd never worn before (which, in retrospect, seems like a classic rookie mistake, though it seems to be turning out okay. This cardigan and skirt are two of those pieces. I snagged the cardi months ago at H&M, but it's really light-weight so I haven't had the balls or cooperative weather to bust it out yet. I love the dark navy and thin white stripes, and I'm obsessed with the exposed zipper (though I don't think you can see it in these pictures). And this skirt was a $2 impulse buy at the Goodwill near Joe's house. I'd been on the hunt for a good knit skirt for months, and I love how this one fits and feels.


I have another crazy week ahead of me, with a to-do list a mile long and more emails to write than my little fingers feel up for. But I'm trying to keep a positive face on all of it. I have leftover lentil soup for dinner tonight, and I'm planning on keeping the hot tea flowing throughout the course of the week (with maybe a cup or two of hot chocolate thrown in for good measure). Add in one or two mid-week movie viewings (I just got Atonement from Netflix), and I should have no problem getting through the week.


Title song: Beck, "Cupcake"

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