Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weekend Clothesline: I Need a Change of Pace

Boulder Canyon w/Joe

I'm back in the heartland. The windy city. Chicago. After almost two weeks of the most perfect vacation, I flew out last night over a breathtaking Arizona sunset and back into the city of big shoulders. Honestly, I kind of feel like I have culture shock. I'm still mentally in the land of sunshine, perfect hikes, incredible Christmas cookies, self-pedicures, sleeping late, board game marathons, cooking well, eating more, and generally being relaxed, centered, and amongst the people I love the most. Give me a few days and I'll be back in full form, I'm sure.

On that note, some of you have probably noticed the overall wonkiness of some of the posts on the blog. I use Flickr to host my images here, and in an effort to tweak a few privacy settings, I unwittingly re-set the html code to every photo that I've posted on the blog. I've talked with the folks at Flickr, and this is apparently an irreversible thing. It would take me an exorbitant amount of time to re-create links to almost two years of posts, so I'm trying to conjure up ways to move forward. I'll be hiding the archives for the time being, until I can figure out a better way to deal with it all, and I'm brainstorming new, better, fascinating directions to take the blog as I move forward into 2011. I'd love any ideas, tips, thoughts, questions, or anything else (recipes? treasure maps?) you'd be willing to throw my way. Also, if there are any of you who may have had this same problem with Flickr, how did you deal? I'd be very appreciative to hear your experience and/or tips on how it went for you.

But you know what didn't get lost? This picture of me in a tiger hat. I think maybe the black hole vortex that sucked in my Flickr pictures may have also sucked in any remaining sense of fashion that I had. You be the judge.

Tiger hat in AZ

Title song: Albert King, "Change of Pace"

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