Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Weekend Clothesline: I Must Catch Up to You

3 bloggers - credit Emily

As I've mentioned before, Emily and I were the happy hosts to wonderful Kyla of Blue Collar Catwalk a few weeks back. I know I've posted about the holiday brunch we attended, but I also wanted to do a mini-recap of our weekend together. One of the things that I love about blogging, and probably the main reason that this Flickr debacle won't have me hanging up my hat altogether, is that I have met some of the most incredible women through this community. Living with Emily is a big part of that, of course, as we never would have met, become fast friends, or moved in together without our blogs. And each time I meet a new blogger, one that I feel like I already know, I'm amazed at how easily the conversation flows and how quickly we "click" and understand each other.

Garrett's popcorn
Garrett's popcorn
Waiting in line for deliciously unhealthy Garrett's popcorn w/Kyla - photo credit Emily (see her reflection?

I've been reading Blue Collar Catwalk since before I started my own blog, and Kyla has been, from day one, a daily must-read, and quickly became what has been termed a BBFF (best blogger friend forever). We'd been trying to conjure up ways for her to come to Chicago, or for us to get out to PA for months, and finally this weekend popped up on our radars and just worked perfectly for everybody. And it was fabulous. The bizarre thing about blogging is that I felt like I already knew her. Picking her up from the airport was like picking up an old friend, and it was weird to say "nice to meet you" while we were hugging and catching up on things. The weekend was great in so many respects. It was hilarious (to the point of crying - the biggest giggle-fests I've had in a long time), touristy (in a perfect way; I love getting to see my city with a fresh pair of eyes), bloggerific (it's so fun and refreshing to be with someone who knows exactly what you mean when you talk about tweets or comments or html), and surprisingly eye-opening (from many conversations that got my wheels turning about my life, my goals, and myself, as cheesy as it is).

Pretzels at the Christkindlmarket - credit Kyla
Fuzzy bloggers at the Christkindlmarket - credit Emily
Pretzels and bloggers at Chicago's Christkindlmarket

The day after the blogger brunch, on Sunday, Kyla and I decided to do up the downtown sights, and hit up all the must-see shops and landmarks (and clock towers) in the city. We each made happy-dance-inducing purchases, froze our little toes right off, and warmed up and filled our stomachs with Chicago-style pizza. We met Emily at the Christkindlmarket for glugwein (say it: glooog-wine) and almost lost our feet to frostbite on the way home, finishing the day with a dinner of salad, leftover tamales, and popcorn. Overall, we had a ridiculous, happy, heartwarming weekend, and I can't wait to make it out to PA to see her again. Thanks for warming up our cold December weekend, Kyla! We miss you already!

Clare Kyla Emily Smile - credit Kyla

Title song: Ingrid Michaelson, "December Baby"

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