Friday, January 7, 2011

Weekend Clothesline: I Said It's Arizona

Christmas Eve giggles w/Joe
Me and Joe on Christmas Eve

This is the last photo-heavy round-up of vacation pictures, I promise! I have another couple of warm weather outfit posts to share, but I promise I won't have so many "weekend clothesline" posts all in a row again. I just wanted to share some of my favorite pictures from my time in Arizona. Enjoy, happy Friday, and happy 2011 (I don't think I'd said it yet)!

Homemade ciabatta
Butternut squash pumpkin corn chowder
I cooked. A lot. From top: homemade ciabatta and butternut squash corn chowder

Me and Willie
Me and cowboy
Me and cowboy
Acting silly with randomly-placed cowboy mannequins in Scottsdale. I saw one that was a girl wearing a denim miniskirt and Uggs, texting her friends, but then I realized it was just an ASU student (zing!).

Joe and Clare NYD
Happy New Year! Me and Joe on the first day of 2011, eating traditional good luck ham, black-eyed peas, and cabbage. Yum!

Title song: Kings of Leon, "Arizona"

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