Thursday, January 6, 2011

Where You're Meant to Be

LOVE outfit
Shirt: Urban Outfitters * Lace skirt: Target * Mocha tights: We Love Colors * Boots: Target * Gray socks: Target * Scarf: Christmas gift

Isn't this statue the coolest? On one of our days in Arizona, my mom took Joe and I out for a day of exploring, soaking up the sunshine, walking around, and eating ice cream while my dad and sister took care of business stuff. It was amazing how fast the trip went by. The first few days were taken up by all the festivities of Christmas (which was exactly as it should be), and then on most warm days we were out and about, hiking or kayaking or exploring the area. The weather got chillier at the end of the trip, so we spent those days in museums (and restaurants!). So this day of exploring was kind of the one day of "city" stuff we had while the weather was still cooperating. I loved wandering the streets, popping into galleries and antique booksellers, and having ice cream for lunch (I don't know how long it had been since I'd had a banana split, but it was delicious). Plus, new cities always have great options for cool photoshoots.

LOVE outfit - closeup

I spent most of my time in the southwest wearing jeans and various layers. Because of the somewhat unpredictable weather (and how different it was in the morning versus at midday!), I spent many days wearing cardigans and scarves. I also wore these boots almost every day, and am now convinced that they are the best shoes ever. Comfy, durable, super cute, and look fantastic with both jeans and skirts or dresses. I've worn an almost identical version of this outfit before, with a chunkier cable-knit scarf and loafers. It was a favorite look then, and I love it just as much with a slight warm-weather twist. After my banana split lunch, however, I did have to loosen my belt a few notches (or take it off entirely, whatever).

LOVE sculpture w/Joe

Of course, Joe and I had to pose in front of the sculpture, though I don't know that we look very full of love in this picture. I do like how tiny I look, however. And I can't say how wonderful it's been to be able to see Joe every day for a couple of weeks. His Christmas break is longer than mine, so he was able to not only be in Arizona for almost a whole two weeks, but he'll be staying in Chicago for awhile as well before having to go back to school. It's so nice to see him each day again, and it makes me nostalgic for our old apartment and routine, though I'm still so happy with how things are working out now. He's so much happier now that he's pursuing his dream, and I feel like our relationship is so much stronger and supportive with all the changes that the year has brought. We'll see what 2011 has in store for us. I'm sure it will be great.

LOVE outfit - w/effects

Title song: The Beatles, "All you need is love"

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