Chelsea has been one of my favorite bloggers ever since I discovered her blog. Not only is she gorgeous, with a super-fun sense of style, but she also has this wonderful, bubbly personality. Chelsea agreed to answer a few questions for me, so check it out!
Well that is a loaded question! Honestly I just skipped over this one and answered the rest first to try and warm myself up, but I'm not so sure it worked :)
Here is some demographic info: I'm 26, female, gay, employed by a University, live with my girlfriend and our two cats. I grew up in Southern California (any other Valley girls out there??) until age 15 when I moved to Washington, DC. I stayed in DC until I finished high school, then headed right back to SoCal for college. I graduated in 2001, then moved up to the Bay Area all by myself! I absolutely love living in the Bay... I find that many people I meet here are open-minded and accepting, and there is an endless supply of fun and interesting things to do. I'm not sure what I want to do with my life in the future, but I'm working on embracing the here and now in 2010 :)
Some of my favorite things (in no particular order) are: blogging, Harry Potter, sushi, hot days spent at the beach or pool, a good book that I can get all wrapped up in, singing along to the radio in my car, getting inspired by other fashion blogs, wine, my
2. You walk down the street and meet yourself from 10 years ago. What do you say to past Chelsea?
Put that cigarette down (I quit 3 years ago, but wish I never had had to!). Your are beautiful just as you are... right now. And about that guy you meet in the Summer of 2001? Bad news. Haha, I guess I have a little advice for young Chelsea :)
3. You're at a coffeeshop and meet yourself 10 years from now. What do you ask future Chelsea?
Since I feel so much wiser now than myself at 16, I imagine I'll be even more of a know-it-all at 36, so I'd ask myself for advice. I wouldn't want to know too many personal details (takes the fun out of working it all out!), but advice would be helpful :) Oh and then I'd ask political questions (did Obama get re-elected? war in afghanistan/iraq/pakistan? same-sex marriage? universal healthcare??),
4. What is your perfect winter day:
Even though I've lived in non-snowy climates most of my life, I absolutely love the snow and all the activities that come along with it! My perfect wintry day would be spent downhill skiing, breaking at lunch for hearty beef stew in the lodge, and then heading back up the mountain. I would end the day at my hypothetical cabin with a hot shower and home cooked (not by me) dinner. As my girl and I step into the outdoor hot tub for a soak, it starts snowing. And there's an ice cold beer in my hand. And then I win the lottery.
5. Do you have any great fashion-related guilty pleasure/faux pas stories to share?
Since started my blog, I've started to totally tune out at random times to brainstorm outfits. Nic's watching some sort of sports game? I'm thinking what can I pair my new oxford booties with tomorrow! Also, I almost always fall asleep to outfit planning. It's sick!
6. What do you want to be when you grow up (real or imaginary)?
Oh boy, the question of the moment! I am not really sure. Since third grade I have wanted desperately to become a country music singer (like solo artist Wynonna Judd or Jennifer Nettles of the group Sugarland). I know this is an imaginary goal, but I can't help but fantasize about it, especially while driving my car alone with the radio :) But in reality, I'm just not really sure anymore. I have been wanting to become a nurse practitioner for a couple of years now, but am questioning if that is what I really want. I am also thinking about teaching high school science and/or math or going for my masters in social work. I'm kind of in this existential crisis mode right now... there is just so much potential in life it can be overwhelming!
7. What is the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
I just finished The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes, by Diane Chamberlain, and I would absolutely recommend it! I love the way Chamberlain writes, and the intensity and excitement of the story made me hardly able to put the book down! Some of my other favorite books that this kind of reminded me of are The Lovely Bones and The Time Traveler's Wife.
8. If you had six months with no obligations or financial constraints, what would you do with the time?
I would absolutely travel. I'd visit all my friends that are in other places that I just haven't managed to get to like New York City and New Orleans, and then I'd hit up all the places I've got on my travel list (and then some): Amsterdam, Egypt, Greece, Costa Rica, Puerta Vallarta, Prague...
9. What is the one, single food that you would never give up?
Burritos. They are the best invention ever... delicious, customizable, portable, can contain all of the food groups, good source of fiber... need I say more? Oh, but what about sushi?! I could not give that up either. I'm cheating and picking two :)
10. What inspired you to start blogging? How did you come up with "bright side dweller" as your title? What's your favorite thing about fashion blogging? I remember the first fashion blog I came across, Some Girls Wander. A fr
Thanks, Chelsea! Okay, everyone, go check out Chelsea's awesome blog, bright side dweller.
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