Saturday, February 20, 2010

Laundry Day: Work Up a New Appetite

I'm staying in today, being supremely productive. So far I've completed three loads of laundry, sent out a half-dozen emails I've been meaning to send for weeks, caught up on my blog-reading for the week, and am getting ready to make a seriously delicious bread pudding for when Joe gets home from work. Speaking of food, I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you all the latest in my interwebs obsessions: food blogs. As I've mentioned, food is my. favorite. thing. ever. I can't stress that enough. So it would only make sense that food blogs fill me with happiness (and hunger...). Here are some of my recent faves:

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Honestly, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Ree Drummond, mega-blogger and home-cook extraordinaire. Joe got me a copy of her cookbook for Christmas, and she hasn't steered me wrong yet. Yum.

Smitten Kitchen:
This one is new to me, and I love the vibrant photos, healthy but delicious foods (hello, greens and grains!), and easy, accessible recipes.

Gluttony is a Bliss:
This Tumblr isn't really a recipe blog, but it has the most decadent pictures of food ever. Plus, they do a daily theme and deliver dozens of drool-worthy photos of foods in that theme.

Cupcakes and Cashmere:
I love Emily's blog for lots of reasons, not least of which is that she is stunningly beautiful and has an exquisite fashion sense and an eye for aesthetic that I truly envy. But she also posts photos of some of her home-cooking, as well as some of her favorite local eats, and those posts are just as, if not more, enjoyable as her fashion-oriented ones.

Homerun Ballerina: Like Emily, Audrey's blog is one of my absolute favorites, and it spans thematic categories. She has the most amazing personal style, and has some of the most enviable vintage clothes. She's a baker/chef, from what I gather, in NYC, and there have been many a day when I've wished I could head over to her place for dinner.

Audrey also homebrews, so she's a gal after my own heart:

So now I put it to all of you: are there any internet eateries that you can recommend? The more the merrier!!

*All images link back to the original website, and are credited to each, accordingly.

Title song: Oliver, "Food, Glorious Food"

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