Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On the Other Side of Town

Blouse: Target, remixed * Skirt: thrifted * Cardigan: Forever 21, remixed * Tights: L'eggs * Boots: Ciao Bella, remixed * Belt: Target, remixed * Pearl Ribbon Necklace: Objects Found

So I'm still fairly sick today. I kept telling people at work that I was operating at about 70%, but for some reason, many of them seemed to think that I was saying that I was still 70% sick. I think I wasn't communicating very well. In my defense, I was still 30% sick. :) Anyway, even though I was feeling a lot better than yesterday, I was still pretty under the weather. It was the kind of day when I was really pale, and drained, and didn't want to look in a mirror because of how washed out and sallow I looked. I figured I may as well try to draw the attention away from my sunken eyes and washed-out skin, so I busted out the red lipstick. I am normally not a lipstick gal. It is just not my thing, for the most part. There is, however, something magical about red lipstick. Despite all the vitamins and chamomile tea, the one thing that really made me feel awesome today was the lipstick. As soon as I had it on, I immediately felt ten times better, and was full of sass and motivation for my day. In case you're wondering, I'm wearing Cover Girl Lipstain. It's literally like using a magic marker on your face, which, in my mind, was always what made makeup fun. I think if more kinds of makeup came in toy-like formats I'd look a lot more like a drag queen. So maybe it is better this way! :)


In addition to the lipstick, I decided to class things up a little bit today. I was inspired by how great I felt after the last "classy" ensemble I wore, so I decided to rock another incarnation of it today. I've always loved the combination of maroon and cream. It's one of the sweetest color combos, and I loved how this particular combo worked out. I got this skirt on my thrifting expedition this weekend. It's fully lined (for some reason, I never appreciated the importance of lined skirts until recently), and a gorgeous thick material that's great for the winter. It's a tiny bit big, so I wore it lower on my waist and used this great leather belt to accentuate my waist instead. I've also been really digging the "calf-grazing" skirt trend recently. It's a length that I never thought I could pull off, but I actually think it works quite well when paired with the right shoes. I'm intrigued by how it might look with pumps, but I think it's really best with knee-high boots. Since the length shortens your legs a bit, I think that knee-high boots keep the leg line clean and uninterrupted. In any case, I'm pretty excited to see how else this look can be styled.


All of today's classiness really came in handy today. After being sick all day yesterday, my day at work today was unbelievably busy. I had meetings all morning, which I hadn't been able to prepare for properly, and my afternoon was spent running around town, reading and responding to dozens of emails, and working on all the projects I had hoped to get a leg up on yesterday. I did end up getting a lot done, and I feel a lot more prepared for tomorrow. Anyway, by the time I finally got my stuff together to go home, it was well past 5 and everyone else had already gone home. It was definitely a day when a classy, pulled-together outfit came in handy. I felt professional and easily ready to take on all the tasks that were facing me. In a lovely twist, one of my old friends called me right when I was getting done with work, and we spent a couple of hours hanging out, drinking Irish ales (yay for St. Patty's day being just around the corner!) and talking about school, family, weddings, and boyyyyys. :) It was fun to see her, and I'm glad I got to end the day on a more easygoing note.


I want to take a quick moment to thank you all for your wonderful comments, thoughts, and general participation lately. (Also, I know that this post is getting out-of-hand-long, but I really want to add this before I head off for the night!) For the past few weeks, you guys have been so great (not that you weren't great before, because you totally were!)! I've gotten so many amazing comments from all of you; really wonderful in-depth, personal, and thoughtful comments that have reinforced how much I love this community. One of the things that has been particularly delightful is reading the comments of all of you who have recently "come out of the woodwork". I've gotten a lot of first-time commenters lately, which I really love. I adore all my regular commenters, too, but it's so great to hear from some of you who have read Between Laundry Days for awhile but haven't commented yet. So I encourage you: comment! opine! voice your thoughts! please, pipe up! If you've been hanging out in the shadows for awhile, I'd love to hear from you.


Title song: Gary Allan, "Red Lips, Blue Eyes, Little White Lies"

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