Thursday, February 4, 2010

We're Still on the Payroll

Sweater dress: Pink Rose, remixed * Mustard shirt: Target, remixed * Scarf: heirloom from my grandmother * Tights: Target * Moccasins: Kmart, remixed * Earrings: gift

I've been thinking a lot about motivation lately, and taking control of your own goals and projects. How we get from point A to point B, how we name and imagine and reach our goals, and how we respond to the things we've achieved. These have all been on my mind a lot lately. Part of it, of course, has to do with Between Laundry Days, but it's more than that, too. Ever since I started my job I've had this new found sense of motivation, energy, and inspiration. I have these major life goals for myself now, things that I didn't even have the energy to perceive while I was working through unemployment and temp jobs last year. I want to pursue things, work to achieve my dreams, and share my successes with the people in my life. What's more, Joe is starting to find out about some of the schools he's interested in for next year, and our dreams and goals and motivations seem to be happily converging.


Sometimes it seems like good things happen with a bit of a snowball effect, with things growing and gaining speed as they go. And there's a part of me that wants to believe that it's karma, or luck. With Joe and I, for example. We had a lot of big hurdles to overcome last year, and it's easy to think that maybe now is our time; that things will start going well because we truly deserve them and we've paid our dues. But I think it's more than that. I think that when one good thing happens, you grow because of it. Your desire to succeed grows, and your confidence that you can do anything is solidified. So you take risks, and push harder, and achieve more. And as each thing falls into place you allow bigger, better goals to come into the picture. Look, I know this isn't exactly breaking news. It makes perfect sense that achievement would lead to confidence, leading to greater goal-making and motivation to succeed. But I still think it's worth considering, and even worth trying to take control of. Don't wait for the good things to come before you work hard to meet your goals. Turn the cycle around, and use your own motivation to create those wonderful achievements. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of karma, but I'm more than willing to believe that you can take bits and pieces of that karma into your own hands.


Title song: Radiohead, "Karma Police"

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