Sunday, February 21, 2010

Messing with the Flavor

Sweater: Old Navy, remixed * Gray tank: Old Navy, remixed * Leggings: actually fleece long underwear! * Blue socks: Target, remixed * Suede boots: Hot Kiss, remixed * Ring: gift, remixed

Ah, weekends! I had a truly lovely weekend, incredibly productive and fun. I cleaned the apartment, did loads of loads of laundry ("loads of loads"...heehee, it's alliterative and awkward!), cooked lots of deliciousness, and found some majorly amazing finds at the thrift store. My personal favorite was the fabulous vintage Sears & Roebuck lined trench coat that I found for a whopping $4.49. It fits like an absolute dream and will be absolutely perfect once Spring rolls around. It was half-off day at Unique Thrift today, and I found some great stuff. I'll be debuting them piece by piece as they come out, but suffice it to say that they are awesome! This outfit is pretty much my favorite weekend uniform yet. I was inspired by the January issue of Lucky magazine. They had a feature on layering, and I was particularly intrigued by this particular outfit. It was probably just because I already had all the pieces for it, but I also really love the easy, casual style. I feel a little bit like it's one part casual weekend comfort and one part Flashdance. So fun!


In other news, I made some really spectacularly delicious dinners this weekend. I think that my inspiration from yesterday's post just got me stewing about awesome dinner possibilities. This evening I made a really great veggie stew. Red lentils, cauliflower, bell peppers, carrots, celery, the works! So yummy. Last night, I wanted to make something a little nicer for Joe when he got home from work, so I made a yummy roasted butternut squash and bacon pasta with a yummy green salad. Not to brag or anything, but this was absolutely divine. I finished today off with a really divine smelling home-baked bread pudding. Honestly, that puppy is so easy to make I can't believe I don't make it more often. Seriously, I think bread pudding has got to be one of the best things ever. Clearly I was feeling very culinary this weekend. What about you guys? Any awesome stuff happen this weekend? Also, I'm curious: would you have any interest in me posting sporadically about food? I cook often, and sometimes it's definitely photo-worthy. Plus, I'd love to give Joe's curries a moment in the spotlight. Let me know if that's something you'd occasionally be into!


Title song: Jason Mraz, "Too Much Food"

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