Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Things You Say Will Come out in Reverse

Blazer: thrifted, remixed * Brown tank: H&M, remixed * Green sweater: Old Navy, remixed * Linen shorts: Forever 21, remixed * Leggings: Pink Rose, remixed * Socks: Target * Boots: Rockport, remixed

So can I just say that weekends are the best? Weekends are the best and I love Chicago. I had a friend here from out of town this weekend, and we spent the weekend playing Wii Sports, drinking delicious IPAs, eating some of the most amazing pizza, having fabulous giggle-fests, doing some major thrifting, and exploring this marv city. These pictures were all taken late last night after our day out on the town. I've been wanting to take photos down on the bank of the Chicago river for some time, but I'm always a bit too timid to take pictures in such a busy part of town. But the river was so beautiful last night, so we slipped down some steps and had a fun-times photoshoot.


I would also like to take this opportunity to point out the above photo. D and I went to one of the Unique Thrift locations in town, and ended up walking quite a ways to get there. It was actually a really nice walk, since the sun was shining, and we walked past a Chicago candy and nuts factory store. In front of the candy store was this delightful sign. I was, in fact, wondering if this particular candy store had doodles. Just as we were walking by the store, I thought to myself, "hm, the one thing I don't have right now is a doodle. I wonder if one of these lovely local shops might be able to fulfill my need to procure a doodle", and lo! and behold! Doodle central.* It did remind me of how much I like this city. Chicago is a huge place, with many millions of people, and it has some of the most fascinating places and people I've ever seen. It just has its own feeling, and I love it. I think that was a big part of why Saturday was so fun. We ended up wandering and exploring parts of the city that I had never been to, and it was so exciting to find new shops and neighborhoods that I really liked, and that I definitely plan on returning to.


One of the places we went was Revolution Brewery, up near Lincoln Square. They very recently opened a restaurant in the brewery, and I'd been wanting to go try it out. I'd seen their beer, but never actually tried it. Joe and I have been homebrewing our own beer for a few months, so I think I've turned into a bit of a beer snob. I'm on a major hoppy beer kick right now, so I happily partook in a few of Revolution's awesome pale ales. The place was packed, the beer was tastilicious, and the food was so incredible. (I promise Revolution didn't tell me to say all this, I was really just genuinely blown away by all the deliciousness.) Anyway, all this has been to say how much I love weekends. I love having a few days to enjoy life, explore things, drink beer and eat pizza. It makes everything so much sweeter, and so much easier to go back to work on Monday morning. That being said, I am so not ready to go back to work on Monday. What about you? How was your weekend?


*If anybody, anybody, knows what a doodle is, pleasepleasePLEASE enlighten me!

Title song: Tommy Dorsey, "The Dipsy Doodle"

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