Monday, February 15, 2010

This Is About Pretty Songs

Purple blouse: New York & Co., remixed * Charcoal wool skirt: thrifted * Brown tights: L'eggs, remixed * White lace tights: Target, remixed * Brogue wedges: Bass * Jade necklace: heirloom from my grandma * Glass choker necklace: bought at a market in Chile

I felt insanely classy in this outfit. Uncharacteristically classy. I don't typically characterize myself as classy. Stylish, yes. Sassy, yes. Cute, yes. All those things and more. But "classy" is not a word I often use to describe myself. And to be perfectly honest, it's not an adjective that I miss very often. To me, "classy" means stilettos and pencil skirts and mile-long legs and silk blouses and smartphones and tight buns and makeup. These are not bad characteristics, and I regularly admire them in others, but they are not my characteristics. My characteristics involve slouchy hats and funky dresses and chunky boots and festive scarves. But one thing that I do love about my personal style is the versatility that I think I have. I think that I easily segue from one style to another, and from day to day it's different. Lately I've been feeling like I've been hovering somewhere over "conservatively eclectic androgynous hipster" territory, which really doesn't narrow it down too much. But it's uncommon that I feel particularly "classy". Today, however, was one of those days. This was a damn classy outfit.


I think some of the classiness stems from my recent busy-ness (I always want to say "business", but that doesn't make sense...what do you guys say when you want to say "busy-ness"?) at work. Things have been 9-to-5 crazy lately, constantly thinking and running around and processing projects. It's been great, and I love the work and the job, but it has been busy, and I definitely feel like I've had to step up lately to get it done. Definitely not in a bad way, just in a busy way. So I think my fashion choices of late have been reflecting the hectic nature of work. Do you guys experience that? Do you feel that your daily fashion choices reflect your mental state, the "pace" of your life? I've heard arguments that go either way. That your environment impacts your style, or that your personal style affects your environment. What do you think? Am I dressing like a grown-up because of my recent increase in responsibilities, or am I working harder and thinking more deeply because I've dressed myself that way? There have been some great discussions about this at the YLF forum, but I'd love to hear your thoughts here, too.


Title song: Modest Mouse, "Classy Plastic Lumber"

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