Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Livin' Alone

Maroon sweater: Old Navy, remixed * Crochet-top tank: Old Navy, remixed * Cropped pants: laundry room freebie, remixed * Lace-up boots: Classique, remixed * Enamel earrings: ??

Okay, so I hate Mondays and Tuesdays. I know that I've mentioned before that Joe and I have opposite work schedules, but I'm not sure that I've entirely driven home the point. While I work your typical Monday thru Friday 9-5er, Joe is a weekend and evening kinda guy. We don't have a single full day off together, and only a few evenings a week when we can even have dinner together. On the days that Joe works, I'm on my own at home until 8 or even 10 at night. I have grown to adore Wednesday thru Friday because we have...wait for it...a whopping 5 hours together on those evenings. I've sort of gotten used to the Saturday/Sunday thing, but by the time Monday and Tuesday roll around I'm majorly bored and seriously sick of macaroni and cheese. I actually don't mind alone time, but I've finally gotten so used to having someone with me at home that it's been particularly difficult lately.


I've only truly lived on my own for a year. During college I had a house full of roommates to keep me company, and for the past couple of years Joe and I have lived together. So I'm not used to all this evening alone time. So I'm going to put it to you guys: any advice for how to spend my Monday and Tuesday evenings (or my Saturdays and Sundays, for that matter)? What do you do when you have some time to yourself? Do you cherish your solo time or do you crave company? Do you, like me, become unbelievably lethargic and unmotivated when there's no one there to keep you in line? And, most importantly, what do you eat???? (For those of you that don't know me in real life, food is, hands down, my favorite thing about the world.) I find that when I'm home alone I lose my motivation to cook fancy dinners and eat decent food. I find that cans of tuna and boxes of Kraft mac & cheese become my evening companions when I'm on my own. It leaves a little something to be desired, to say the least. So again, what do you eat?


Title song: Celine Dion, "All by Myself"

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