Thursday, December 9, 2010

Feel Like I've Been Here Before

Striped shirt: harvested from Emily's donation bag, remixed * Cardigan: thrifted, remixed * Pants: Kenneth Cole Reaction, remixed * Suede heels: UO, remixed * Necklace: won from Huzzah!Vintage, remixed

Heehee. We're going back in time again. These pictures were taken the day before yesterday's pictures (honestly, I think that the posts this week have gone in exactly backwards chronological order), just before winter officially hit Chicago. I just adore these pictures, and not only because I loved this comfy, chic outfit. I just love how perfectly these photos demonstrate the ever-changing quality of Lake Michigan. I mean, really, can this be the same coast as this one? It's amazing.


I was talking to my mom this morning about Christmas presents, and she mentioned that she had noticed that I haven't exactly been keeping to my shopping ban, and it was making it kind of hard to come up with gift ideas. I hadn't really thought about it, but she's right. I've slowly allowed myself to accumulate again, and though I've been pretty thrifty about it, the actual ban itself has been pretty much thrown out with the bathwater. So I'm officially re-instating it. I can buy Christmas gifts for people, obviously, but my presents to myself have to stop. I haven't been buying things just for the sake of buying them anymore, but I definitely don't need the things I'm buying (to be honest, I probably don't need new clothes for years).


Last year, I did a major remix project that I called "Deja Vu Couture". I went through summer outfits, and remixed them for the fall and winter. It was a great way to explore my style, and breathe new life into pieces that I had previously though had only seasonal value. I've decided that a good way to enforce my shopping ban without making it too much of a chore would be to embark on another project of wardrobe appreciation. I'll start on January 1, and I'll reveal more details as it gets a bit closer. It should be fun, and a good way to remind myself that I do love what I have, and there's no need to buy more.

Are any of you finding yourself buying things for your own self this season? Or are you good about limiting your holiday shopping to those on your gift list?


Title song: David Crosby, "Deja Vu"

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