Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Weekend Clothesline: Chicago Blogger Holiday Brunch

Clare Kyla Emily Laugh - credit Kyla
The terrible trio: Me, Kyla, and Emily

I'm long overdue in posting these, but I've been happily soaking up some rays in AZ, and plan to continue my un-plugged-ness for another week or so. Last weekend, however, Emily and I were the happy, lucky hosts to Kyla of Blue Collar Catwalk for a few days. She came to Chicago for the weekend to chill with our rad selves and attend the Chicago blogger holiday brunch, seamlessly planned and executed by the lovely Sabrina of Defying My Closet. I'll post more pictures from the weekend (someday!), but today I wanted to share a few favorites from the blogger brunch. It was a delicious reunion with old friends (and some new ones!) and I can't wait to do it again.

Me at Blogger Brunch - Outfit shot (credit Amy)
Champagne - credit Kyla
Chair Laugh - credit Kyla
From top: what I wore - photo credit Amy of Chicago Streetstyle Scene; the table scene...mimosas, baby! -photo credit Kyla; feeling posh in the armchair at Orange - photo credit Kyla

Kyla and Me - Smiling
Kyla and Me - Laughing
Pretty representative of our massive gooberosity for the duration of the entire weekend

Emily and Clare - credit Kyla
Emily and Clare Laughing - credit Kyla
Bestest roomies EVAH - photo credit Kyla

Photobomb - credit Kyla
I ruin everything: Kyla and Sabrina, the mastermind behind the awesomeness - photo credit Kyla

Sonsi Mug 2
The attendees (minus Sabrina) with our free Sonsi mugs! Clockwise from top left: Nikia, Lindsey, Amy, Gina, Kyla, Emily, Lisa, me, Tabitha

It was a lovely, lovely time. Thanks to Sabrina for her mad organizational skillz, thanks to Orange for letting us invade their space for a few hours, and thanks to Sonsi, Affordable Scarves, and We Love Colors for the rad swag.

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