Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bulmers Light Style Feature

Delighted to be included in the Bulmers Light special feature on Irish Designers. Top Stylist Cathy O' Connor is championing Irish brands and sharing her selection through Bulmers Light Style Page on Facebook. We were chuffed to be included amongst such great homegrown talent.

"I know it may be difficult to be thankful at this stage, when we have been beseiged by an economic freeze and actual freeze (brrrrrrrrrr) and politicians who seem to be experiencing brain freeze, but let's remember how lucky we all are to have such a wealth of talented Irish designers on our doorstep. Here are some of the dazzling lights that continue to shine. Let's show our appreciation by supporting them this" Christmas

Cathy O' Connor ( Irish Stylist)

Thanks Cathy!!!

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