Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where It's Snowing All Winter Through

Dress: thrifted * Cardigan: thrifted * Tights: TJ Maxx, remixed * Blue socks: Target, remixed * Boots: Target, remixed

There are a lot of pictures in this post. Like, tons. Probably more than I need, but I just love how each and every one of them turn out. I try not to do this to you very often, so if you're one of those readers that gets fed up with loads of pictures, know that this isn't the norm. If, however, you like pictures of snow and jumping and fun times, this is probably the post for you. Read on, brave souls!


It snowed in Chicago on Saturday. Kind of a lot. The world was cold and gray and perfectly blanketed with heavy wet snow. So, naturally, being the adventurers/good style bloggers that we are, Emily and I took an excursion out to the lake to see what there was to see. It was so pretty, and we got some pretty great pictures, while having a ball in the wintry wonderland. It reminded me of how grateful I am for my living situation this year. With Joe not living in Chicago anymore, this fall had the potential of being very difficult, very trying and very lonely. I'm so very grateful to have my two (and sometimes four!) roommates in my life. Not just for the company, though they do provide that, but for welcoming me into their world with no reservations. They have quickly become close friends, and women that I admire and adore.


I've had incredible luck with roommates in the past, and have lived with absolutely amazing women. Whether it's luck, or karma, or just coincidence, each of my roommates over the years have inspired me to be better, stronger, happier, more centered and motivated and determined to be my best. My college roommates are still some of the most amazing, accomplished, smart, funny, beautiful people I've ever known, and every time I talk to or see them I am reminded of how they have each changed my life (ladies, if you're reading this, you know who you are - and that also goes for those of you that I may not have technically lived with; for all intents and purposes you were my roommates too). Even years later, they are still my role models in many ways, and I know that many of the accomplishments that I've had would not have been possible without their love and support. I have to include Joe in my list of good roommates, too. I had never lived with a boyfriend before, and he made the transition so easy. His presence in my life, not just as a boyfriend but as a roommate, has made the past couple of years so wonderful.


And now I get to be around these two amazing women, so smart and so motivated, who are so funny and happy and loving. I am amazed, daily, at who these women are. They surprise me every day with their honesty, kindness, and silliness. Their dance parties and YouTube screenings. Their pre-dinner grace and their shared meals. Their style and beauty and the ambiance they've created in our home. But mostly, the way that they have created a space for me, that doesn't seem artificial or temporary, and the way that I feel so genuinely comfortable with them.


I was reminded of all that after Emily and my excursion on Saturday. An excursion that would have been much less fun and snow-filled had I done it alone. As cheesy as it sounds, I'd like to remind you all to take stock of the people in your life this year. Be thankful for who they are, and for what they are to you. Remind yourself of how special it is that you have such incredible people surrounding you, and know that they each probably feel the same about you. Hug your roommate, or your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/spouse/child, or your dog, or your cat, or a picture of your parents/siblings/grandparents when you get home today. I guarantee they'll appreciate it (unless they don't like hugs, or maybe the cat).

Also, check it out! I'm levitating from all this roommate goodness:


Title song: Bing Crosby, "Snow (from White Christmas)"

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