Thursday, December 2, 2010

She Knows to Boil the Kettle

Bird shirt: UO, remixed * Cardigan: Anthropologie, thrifted and remixed * Skirt: Talbots, thrifted * Tights: We Love Colors (charcoal), remixed * Pumps: UO, remixed*

Sometimes I wonder if I would make a good stay-at-home person (wife, mother, work-from-home person, etc.). Usually, I think I would go kind of stir-crazy, and I would indulge my lazier tendencies (e.g. watching an entire season of 30 Rock in one day, not getting dressed, etc.). But sometimes, I think, no, it would be awesome. Think of all the stuff I could do!! And by "stuff I could do", I usually mean "food I could make". It's been hard, this autumn, to keep up with groceries and cooking from scratch. Between my two jobs and any semblance of a social life I might still have, my cooking and food shopping time has gotten relegated down to about an hour and a half. Which isn't terrible, I guess. I mean, Rachael Ray has made a career out of cooking in a third of that time, but sometimes bacon and plain toast just won't cut it (p.s. click that link. And then laugh. Go ahead. I'll wait).


I guess what I'm saying is that it would feel pretty luxe to have hours each day to frequent the best local grocers, pick my yummy in-season vegetables, and craft a dinner that is wholesome, cheap, and delicious. Trying out new recipes usually means taking the time to learn how to do something new, and there's not always enough time in the day to figure out what in the crap a rutabaga is. But I've been trying to make do with the time and finances that are available to me, and I've found that an important step for me has been to start buying things that are in season. No more rock-hard styrofoam tomatoes, no more flimsy asparagus in fall, no more buying things that have to travel across the country or world in order to get to my plate. I've found that in-season, local vegetables taste better, and are easier to cook into something delicious that feels right for the season.


All that to say that I've been cooking a lot of sweet potatoes this week. And I've been cooking them cheaply. And quickly. And happily. On Monday I made a root vegetable couscous with sweet potatoes, beets, leeks, parsnips, and rosemary for a whopping $3.65. Total. In about 45 minutes. And last night I roasted what was left of the sweet potatoes and topped them with honey goat cheese and caramelized onions with bacon. For another $3-something. And I have leftovers. I think I'm starting to figure it out, and I've made some things that I'm really proud of. What I am not proud of, however, is the lack of pictures of these delightful concoctions. I tried, I really did, but trust me, those were not pictures you wanted to see. So, until I get a brighter kitchen and/or a better camera, I'm probably not going to be a food/cooking blogger. It's just not going to happen. Instead I'll just focus on the cooking and eating part of it all. :)


*Though there is no damn mention of it in this whole post, I adore this outfit with my whole being. Anyone who says otherwise will not be invited over for dinner.

Title song: Sia, "Sweet Potato"

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