Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sustenance: Roasted Sweet Potato Coins with Goat Cheese and Caramelized Onions (oh, and Bacon!)

Okay, here it is! I told you already that I don't have pictures for it, but trust me, it looks delicious.

Roasted Sweet Potato Coins with Goat Cheese and Caramelized Bacon and Onions


Two large sweet potatoes
One large red onion
About 4-5 slices of bacon (I used thick-cut bacon, but any kind would work, and if you have pancetta I bet it would be incredible)
Goat cheese (I used honey goat cheese, and I imagine that fig goat cheese would be phenomenal, but plain would work beautifully, too)
Olive oil
Brown sugar
Fresh rosemary (I think this is partly what makes this so awesome, but if you don't have fresh, dried will do, and if you don't have dried, it will still taste really yummy)

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Peel and slice the sweet potatoes into coins, about half an inch thick. Lay them evenly in a shallow baking dish with a good amount of olive oil (I didn't measure this, but a few good tablespoons should do it. You want to make sure they don't stick to the pan and don't get dried out on top). Once the oven has preheated, put the sweet potatoes in. These should cook for about 25-30 minutes at 400 degrees, depending on your oven (I flipped mine over about halfway through to ensure even baking).

Cut the onion into very thin half-moon slices, and dice the bacon. Put a bit of olive oil in a frying pan and set it to medium heat. Once it has heated up, put the bacon in. Let it cook for a moment and then add the onion. Stir this regularly to keep the heat even (you may need to turn it up or down a bit if it's not caramelizing properly, but I left mine on medium to med-high). After the onions and bacon have softened and are starting to caramelize, add about a tablespoon of brown sugar to the mix, as well as some sprigs of fresh rosemary. Continue stirring as they caramelize.

After the sweet potato coins have softened a bit, set the oven to broil so that the tops crisp and brown a bit. This should only take 5-10 minutes.

Once the sweet potatoes are out of the oven, move them to a large tray. Spread a bit of goat cheese onto each "coin", and then pile a spoonful of the caramelized onions and bacon on top. Garnish with a sprig of fresh rosemary.


Let me know how it goes, if any of you try it! This is my first time actually writing out instructions for something I've made, so I'm anxious to see how it goes for other people.

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