Monday, November 16, 2009

Any Time She Goes Away

Outfit details:
Navy/white striped dress: New Order, remixed
White cardigan: August Silk, via TJ Maxx, remixed
Skirt: Target
Navy tights: Leggs
Oxfords: apostrophe via Sears

Work (day-long staff retreat), drinks with old friend

How I wore it first:
Life Ain't So Bad At All

Sorry I've been a little lax with posting lately. Work has been insanely busy, and I've been stressed with lots of extra stuff. Tonight was a good break from it all, however, as I got to meet an old friend for drinks and conversation for a few hours. It was like seeing old family again, and I feel like I got my bearings a little bit. There's nothing quite like seeing the people who knew you when.


I chose this skirt for the remix of this outfit because it pulled out some of the colors in the scarf that I wore as a belt in the original outfit. I've been trying to find a way to wear this skirt, and I really like this combination, especially with the tucked-in cardigan. I got the skirt at Target recently, using a gift card from my old work. We had an all-day planning retreat today, so I needed to be comfortable but still business appropriate. I really liked the resulting ensemble, and it was perfect for a casual social night out, too. I think this skirt will get a lot of play.


Title song: Michael Jackson, "Ain't No Sunshine"

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