Monday, November 2, 2009

Candy-Coated Unicorns Are Quite Hard to Find

Outfit details:
Black shirt: Target
Skirt: H&M
Navy tights: ??
Black heeled brogues: apostrophe, via Sears
Anchor necklace: Etsy
See original outfit inspiration here!

First day of work at new temp job

So I've decided to do a new thing here. Or an old thing, I'm not really sure. Basically, I'm going to be going back through outfits that I wore during my first days/weeks at my old job. I'll then remix the entire outfit, making it more seasonally-appropriate. I think it will do wonders with picking what to wear each day, and it will help to keep me from spending any money right now. It will also be fun to be able to inject a little creativity into the outfits by changing up the accessories and such, especially in making some of the very summery outfits more appropriate for the coming winter months.


So for today's outfit I decided to remix the outfit I wore on my first day of work at my previous job. I added tights, and replaced these fun brogues for the flats I wore then, but for the most part kept it pretty true. I just love the shape of this skirt, and I felt like this was a perfect outfit for my first day at the new temp job. The position seems to be pretty interesting, and the office is really dynamic and young, so I think it will be a good place for me to be for now. Wish me luck!


Oh, and sorry about the weird squinty eyes in these photos. The sun was really bright!

Title song: Outkast, "Behold a Lady"

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