Friday, March 5, 2010

Airing Her Dirty Laundry: My Edit


Welcome to another installment of Airing Her Dirty Laundry! In these posts, I feature some of my favorite blogger friends, and ask them a few questions. I'm so excited to be featuring Jentine from My Edit in this post. Yen is the coolest girl, and an awesome writer (I can't tell you how many of her posts have had me laughing out loud). I like to think that she and I would be awesome in-real-life friends. I think we would drink red wine (or jello shots, more on that later), talk about word verifications, and be all around awesome. As a bonus, some of her gorgeousness and style just might rub off on me! Anyway, welcome, Jentine!


Between Laundry Days:
Tell us about yourself!
My Edit: I am tall, blonde, and I enjoy walks on the beach.

BLD: You walk down the street and meet yourself from 10 years ago. What do you say to past Jentine?
My Edit: much to say...#1. I would teach myself how to do a proper blow-out and how to use a straightener with minimal effort and maximum effect. Actually, I don't even think we had good straightners when we were in highschool....mine had steam. Kids, consider yourselves lucky for all the Chi straightners you have in your life...
#2. All that highschool bullshit that you are so concerned with now will not matter AT ALL in two years.
#3. As cheesy as it sounds, I would tell myself that life is not going to go exactly as I imagined but it's a good life, a very good life.

BLD: You're at a coffeeshop and meet yourself 10 years from now. What do you say to future Jentine?
My Edit: 'What did I tell you about sunscreen?'...I don't think I would want to know too much about my future... Life is difficult enough to navigate without having to think about the inescapeable challenges ahead.


Why are word verifications on blog comments awesome? What is your fave word verification to date?
My Edit: Word verifications are awesome because they remind me to get a life. At midnight, they seriously switch over to read 'gettobednow'. My best word verification was something dirty that made me giggle and realise how immature I really am. I want my readers to think I'm mature, so I have to keep the word a secret. But it was good...

BLD: Do you have any great fashion-related guilty pleasure/faux pas stories to share?
My Edit: In high school I somehow made it unto the basketball team (I was tall, that's all I got...) and our team did not do so well. What we lacked in talent, we made up in flare. A friend and I tie-dyed white knee-highs and everyone on the team wore one crazy sock and one regular sock (I'm sure we were on a budget and couldn't afford to buy everyone a pair...seriously). So, not only were we pretty terrible, we looked hilarious with our one neon sock. Maybe that was a clue that fashion, instead of athleticism was my destiny.


What makes Canada so darn awesome?
My Edit: Let me count the ways...
Canada has universal healthy care.
Canada has Winners (TJ Maxx but better...).
Canada hosted an amzing Olympics and we won lots of glittery golden discs.

BLD: My birthday is coming up. If we were in-real-life friends, what would we do for the festivities?
My Edit: Body shots...what else?


If you had six months with no obligations or financial constraints, what would you do with the time?
My Edit: I would love to do a slow and meandering road trip across Canada and stop in random places and loot their thrift stores. Then I would take my treasure back home (while I've been away my contractor will have made me a new walk-in closet...) and have a dance party to celebrate the goodness that is thrifting. When I recover I would write a travel guide for the best places to shop second-hand in Canada and then Matt and I would spend some time in Europe visiting my brothers and finish off our travels with my whole family being in Africa for World Cup in order to cheer on the Netherlands in their quest for soccer domination (finally).

BLD: What is the one, single food you could never give up?
My Edit: Cheese.


What inspired you to start blogging? How did you come up with "My Edit" as your title? What's your favorite thing about fashion blogging?
My Edit: I saw some fashion blogs and I thought I can talk about stuff and wear pretty clothes...Sometimes 'My Edit' sounds like a pompous if it's my way or the highway. I guess I just wanted the name of my blog to reflect my take on fashion, I love searching for inspirtation online or in magazines but I still want to dress in a way that reflects me. In university, I remember being being influenced by lots of styles in my illustration class but at the end of the day, no matter how hard I tried to emmulate their style, all my illustrations looked like they were mine. Now, I see that that is a good thing... and that's the same way I feel about clothing. I might take more risks now and shop more (oops) but I'm still going to stick with what I like. Very selfish indeed.The best part of fashion blogging is that I started to love fashion again. I was burnt out after getting my fashion degree and unsure of where I fit in. I knew I couldn't sit in a cubicle (and that's what a lot of design jobs are, don't fool yourselves) but participating in blogging has made me feel like I'm part of the fashion community where I can appreciate fashion for its an art form and not for its paycheque. It's also introiduced me to some wonderful people around the globe, all of which would likely participate in the body shots for your birthday party Clare!

{Hear that, everyone? Drinks are on Yen this April!} Thank you sooo much, sweet Jentine, for agreeing to let me pick your ridiculously fashionable brain. As for all the rest of you, head over to Yen's blog, My Edit, for more hilarity, fashion, and gorgeous bloggy pictures!


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