Monday, March 22, 2010

Winter's Cold Spring Erases

Dress: Forever 21 * Tights: Target * Belt: thrifted, remixed * Brogues: Trotters, remixed * Scarf: Target, remixed

Happy Monday, everyone! I'm actually pretty okay that it's Monday today. It's Spring Break, and even though I don't have the week off, there's almost no one around this week. It's really nice that the office is slowing down a little bit, and it gives me all kinds of time to catch up on and start some new projects that I haven't had time to work on lately. But the real delightful part of this week is that I'm taking Friday off to spend the weekend in Arizona. I cannot even tell you how ready I am to spend some time in the sun. I'm going to spend the weekend going hiking, wandering through at the botanic garden, eating great food, going to concerts, and ogling arts and crafts at the annual spring festival. The weather has actually been pretty decent here in Chicago, but that doesn't make me any less excited to get some real Arizona sunshine. I'll be relatively quiet in the interwebs this week and through the weekend. I'm going to be kind of busy this week getting ready for the weekend, and I'm not planning on bringing my computer to Arizona. I'm still planning to post through the week, and I'll probably schedule a few posts for the weekend, but my commenting will be a bit scarce. So bear with me, folks!


Speaking of weather (which I only barely was), today was flipping beautiful! It was snowing and crappy all weekend (that's right, SNOWING. After a 65* day on Friday, we got a blizzard all day Saturday), and when the sun came out this morning I knew we were in for a nice day. It was still pretty brisk (honestly, I was just on the uncomfortable side of chilled while I was taking these pictures), but the sun was warm, the skies were blue, and it felt like a beautifully cool spring day. It was a perfect day to wear this dress, too. I recently got it with an F21 giftcard, and I'm seriously, seriously, in love. There's a layer of tulle under the skirt, which makes it delightfully full, and the rest of the dress is jersey, which makes it pajama-worthy in terms of comfort. It came with a lovely pink ribbon, which I'm pretty psyched to wear at some point, but I decided to pair it with black and brown instead. You know what they say about navy, black, and brown, right? Definitely not a fashion faux-pas. :) But seriously, this is one of my favorite color combos. I seem to wear it a lot (here's one of my faves!), but it's just such a comfortable combo.


Title song: Dave Matthews Band, "Satellite"

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