Monday, March 1, 2010

Too Much Time On Their Hands

So, I had this little back and forth on Twitter with my friend Pete who lives over in Manchester, England, after reading one of his tweets-

Pete- Been sent an email with photos ripped off the web with no credit to the artists, stating creative people have "too much spare time". Angry.

Me- I was saying last week that reading that line always makes me angry. Ignorant people.

Pete- I don't wish to make you even more angry... but 5 of the images were yours and there's no watermark

Me- Can't say I'm surprised.

Pete- but the title of the email was "Incredible Imaginations"... there's something :/

It didn't help much.

I come across that line far too often- "They must have too much time on their hands." I'll see something really neat on the internet, and written somewhere in the comment section, I'll find those words. How many hours does that commenter spend watching television, surfing the internet, or playing video games?

If you spend 3 hours a day on passive entertainment (which is probably a very low estimate), that's 21 hours a week that could be used to write something interesting, make something cool, or creating something absolutely nutty that you and some other people might really enjoy. If you aren't doing something along these lines, then I think that it might be you who isn't spending your time wisely, and not the other way 'round.

I challenge you to try it.

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