Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You're Alive Between the Lines

Striped tank: Forever 21, remixed * Cardigan: Urban Outfitters, remixed * Jeans: Gap, remixed * Platform loafers: Bass, remixed * Bag: vintage Kenneth Cole, thrifted * Copper Braid Necklace: available at Objects Found

This is going to be another rather photo-heavy post. Joe and I spent last Friday evening taking a long walk to the lakeshore. I love that we're walking distance from the beach, and it was so delightfully warm on Friday that we decided to go check out the lake and do my daily photos there. (Of course, by Saturday morning, it was majorly blizzarding, but let's just forget about that, okay?) On Friday it was beautiful, and we took full advantage of it. I had forgotten how much I love going on long walks with Joe. We always get into these wonderful conversations, and it feels so wonderful walking along Lake Michigan, holding hands and talking about everything under the warm, 65* sun. I'm so looking forward to this summer when we'll have all the time in the world to hang out. Joe's going to be quitting his day job in early June to get ready for graduate school, which means that after a long time of having opposite schedules, we'll actually have regular, substantial time together. Honestly, June couldn't come fast enough.


So I'm sitting here in the living room, eating dinner and listening to music. I've been wanting to do a post about music for a long time. I might actually have to spread it out into a number of posts, that's how much it means to me. My current playlist is composed of songs by the Avett Brothers, Deer Tick, Old Crow Medicine Show, She & Him, Band of Horses, Okkervil River, and, in classic Chicago-style awesomeness, Wilco. This particular playlist serves me very well while I'm doing dishes, making dinner, and general feeling upbeat and peppy. I love my playlist. I think that part of the reason that I haven't done a music post yet is because I find it incredibly difficult to sum up my musical experience in words. One question that I truly hate is the "what kind of music do you like?" question. I never, never have a good answer for it. Maybe it's because music, to me, is more than just a like/dislike kind of thing. I can't pick favorites, or really even preferences, for something that is so central to who I am. I can give examples of favorite bands, but that's hardly a good example of the true scope of my musical interests (gah, now I sound like a d-bag...one of those people who talks about the "scope" of their "musical interests"...blahdy blah blah...sorry, guys!).


Seriously, though, music is (and really, there's no non-d-bag way to say this...if there is, I'm all ears) the soundtrack to my life. In one way or another, it accompanies everything I do. My list of favorite bands, favorite songs, favorite lyrics, favorite solos, changes with my mood, with the weather, with the day's activities, with my mode of transportation (I listen to different music in the car, on a bus or train, on an airplane, walking, etc.). I guess I'm just trying to say that music is variable to me. I listen to certain albums on Saturday and Sunday mornings, albums that remind me of my childhood but which I don't listen to at any other time (David Byrne's world music projects and the Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack are two of my weekend favorites). Then there are playlists focused around songs that always seem perfect while I'm walking around downtown (Jens Lekman has been a perfect downtown-walkin' artist lately). My favorite is finding an artist or a song or an album that makes me laugh or smile while I'm in public, like I have this secret joke with myself. Anyway, at the risk of being a majorly hypocritical d-bag, who are some of your favorite artists? I'm always looking for new music (I'm psyched to pick up the new Joanna Newsom and She & Him albums after my next payday!), and would absolutely love to get some of your suggestions. So let 'em rip!


Title song: Field Music, "In Context"

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