Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Know Times Are Changing

Dress: 80s Purple, from Kyla, as part of the Mailbox Mavens! * Striped boatneck shirt: Forever 21 * Gray skirt: Forever 21 * Tights: Target * Platform loafers: Bass, remixed * Belt: Forever 21, remixed * Earrings: courtesy of Maurices, remixed

Hooray! This is my first Mailbox Mavens outfit! I was super excited when I saw that Kyla of Blue Collar Catwalk was going to offer up her gorgeous 80s Purple dress to swap around. Kyla is one of my absolute favorite bloggers, and she has the most wonderful personal style. I was totally smitten with this dress when she styled it. It seemed comfortable, soft, and stylish, and I was pleasantly satisfied to find that it's all that and more. She challenged me to wear it with stripes, so I paired it with this simple striped boatneck tee from F21. Honestly, I'm crazy about this dress. I kind of don't want to send it away! I just might have to keep my eye out for one of my own. Here's how the gorgeous Kyla styled this puppy the first time around:


This post is going to be a little bit picture-heavy. I met Joe downtown after work today, and we had a mini photoshoot before coming back home. It's so nice to have the sun up for so long now! We were able to meet, after work, have dinner, and still have enough sunlight to take pictures before it got dark. This is one of my favorite new photo locations. It's in such a recognizable spot in Chicago, with the Marina City apartments on one side, the Tribune Tower on the other, and the Chicago River in the background (and no, the Chicago River is not still green from the St. Patty's Day dye. They dye the river on the Saturday before St. Patty's, and by the actual holiday it's back to its naturally green color, which looks more diseased than festive. Then again, I'm not sure that there exists a shade of green that makes water look like anything other than sewage or radioactive waste). In any case, green water or not, I love my new photoshoot location. Today was just one of those days, too, when every picture that Joe took turned out great. I love those days!


Speaking of photos, do you guys have any special tricks to make your photos turn out great? I love the signature knock-kneed blogger pose, as well as all the other ridiculous contortions we seem to get into to get just the right angle. I know I've developed, over time, a few surefire "moves" that help make my pictures look better, but I'm curious what your tricks are!

Anyway, happy St. Patty's Day everyone, and keep your eyes peeled (every time I say "keep your eyes peeled" I think about what a spectacularly weird saying it is) for more Mailbox Mavens swap posts!


Title song: Prince, "Purple Rain"

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