Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Laundry Day: They Say It's Your Birthday!


One year ago, I started a blog (and so starts the great epic of my life...). Seriously though, I never thought this project would morph into what it has become. I love my hobby, guys. And here's why:
  • I have learned so much about personal style through this project. I was on my way to establishing my personal style when I started this, but I've honed it substantially since starting Between Laundry Days. I think that a big part of it was the simple act of photographing myself every day. Seeing myself, and thinking about the way that things look on me, allowed me to understand my personal style in a new way.
  • In that same vein, I've discovered styles that are totally new to me, but that I completely love! High-waisted pants and skirts are a big aspect of that. I always wore the early 2000s-trendy low-rise jeans, but as I started taking pictures and thinking about my style, I realized that my body type looks just as good, if not better, in higher-waisted styles.
  • I've learned a ton about fashion. Seriously, I was not a fashion person before this. I liked style, and I liked clothes, but I had no particular inclination to know anything about brands, styles, etc. That hasn't entirely changed, but I have learned a lot about fashion from the simple act of osmosis. I read a lot of blogs, and have learned so much about designers, and styles, and clothes that I just had no clue about before.
  • Finally, but most importantly, I have made friends. I know it's cheesy, and I know I've said it before, but I have found the most incredible group of women through this project. I've had the incredible fortune of meeting a handful in person, and I look forward to meeting more of you. And I've forged very real friendships with so many of you that I never would have found otherwise. I'm very grateful to that, and to all of you.
  • and much, much more...
So thank you all, and happy birthday, Between Laundry Days! You've been a great companion during this past year. Here's to many more!

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